Tis the season for itchy feet

Wilson just started with his feet too the other day. He chewed himself a bit raw in one spot. I put him in him in the tub and washed his feet, then dried them, used some witch hazel and some cornstarch. That was three days ago and he's left his feet alone. He has grass allergies. That seemed to work so well I'll clean them that way more often.
[MENTION=3502]NigelsMom[/MENTION]....we have used this stuff on our fosters with bad paw pads...it's called "Protecta-Pad". It's a cream that comes in a little jar. You just rub it on their pads and it softens them up in no time. It smells minty too which I love. Unfortuantly it won't help with the itching though.
Warm water and epsom salt.... also wipe their paws when they come in from being outside.

No feet lickin' here....must be because the yard is a MUDDY DISASTER and I have to wipe their feet realllllyyyy welllll upon entry.
A side benefit? :lol:
Thanks I'm going to try and add the cornstarch.
Thanks I'm going to try and add the cornstarch.
You're welcome! He has the same problem with his feet last year, especially after the grass was mowed. I would clean them off with a rag but never did it like I did the other day (just didn't know what I know now). I used a little baby shampoo do on the wash cloth and then had a cup to fill with water to get it all off. Total time was like 5 minutes. :up: He's still leaving his feet alone. Might just do that for him once a week.
Wilson just started with his feet too the other day. He chewed himself a bit raw in one spot. I put him in him in the tub and washed his feet, then dried them, used some witch hazel and some cornstarch. That was three days ago and he's left his feet alone. He has grass allergies. That seemed to work so well I'll clean them that way more often.

[MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION], never thought of corn starch, I do use the witch hazel but he just licks that off, I will have to try some of that tonight. I have Gold Bond medicated foot powder, I was thinking of using that??????
@JeannieCO , never thought of corn starch, I do use the witch hazel but he just licks that off, I will have to try some of that tonight. I have Gold Bond medicated foot powder, I was thinking of using that??????
It really helped dry his pads. I used it on the bottom too. His once foot was so red.
I think that Raven might have some grass allergies a well. Once we go outside for her to go potty she tends to start itching a bit on her face and ears. Praying this doesn't get worse as spring kicks into gear and the grass starts growing.
Hi all, interesting thread. I was just signing on to ask a question about this. We noticed a couple weeks ago that Wally was really licking one of his paws (maybe both) and then last week he developed and intermittent limp. We took him to the vet and she told us she couldn't find anything wrong with his leg so it was probably his paw. Could the licking and the limp be related? She suggested we soak his feed in warm water in case he has a splinter that is under the pad or something.
Any thoughts?
Thanks as always for everyone's help!
Usually the obsessive licking is because their feet are itchy or they might have some kind of sore... I would think if it's causing a limp than there should be a sore...I would double-check the paws, vet might have missed something... In the mean time it can't hurt to keep those paws extra clean, in case of a wound (wouldn't want it to turn into an infection)...try the Epsom salts soak and dry those paws really well...keep us posted.

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