The Bulldog and a kitty cat


Well-known member
May 25, 2013
from the Philippines but residing in Germany
Bulldog(s) Names
Bifi (beef-ii)
Here is a chance meeting of Bifi and a neighbor's cat. He is the first cat that Bifi has ever met when he was a wee pup and today is their second meeting. At the end the cat's owner came to bring him in but before she closed the door the cat came near Bifi and smell his paw. I regret not getting a picture of that. He was also inviting the kitty cat to play with him while the owner stood by the door. The pictures are great example of Bifi's personality...he just loves everyone furry or not:D. Lucky i have my fone with me!

Bifi in submissive positions lol gotta love my boy for doing that.
2014-03-11 10.12.40.jpg2014-03-11 10.12.09.jpg

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Aww how cute!!! My dogs have always gotten along w/our cats, but we started it early on when they were pups… LOL
I can't believe he isn't trying to chase the Kitty! So sweet. Good Bifi!

We have a friend with a ca t who loves to let Charley in the front door to go find the Kitty. Charley gets so excited (he doesn't know that dogs and cats don't always get along) that he zooms through the house and runs right past the kitty sitting on top of the couch (or where ever!) -- happens every time!

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so sweet.

I wish Brutus would be nicer to our cats, he's getting there but it's taking some time. I know one day i will find him and our one cat snuggling. I can't wait for that day.
Thank you everyone! That cat is the only other cat Bifi has ever encountered. The other one is my mother in law's 16 yr. old cat that has been traumatized by our beloved Pug. How dare the cat eat her catfood when we go visit! LOL.
Excellent boy!

My girl would have been chasing the cat till she caught him or he got fully away from her.
Those are great shots, Bifi is really a good looking bulldog!! I love the stalking pic, hahaha!!
Ace just had a run in with my parents cat on saturday. He was trying to be tough up until the cat swung his paw from a distance..Ace came running so fast I couldn't even focus my camera on him. Lol

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Ace just had a run in with my parents cat on saturday. He was trying to be tough up until the cat swung his paw from a distance..Ace came running so fast I couldn't even focus my camera on him. Lol

Haha thats very funny! wouldve love to see Ace's expression lol.
[MENTION=8944]dieMuttivonBifi[/MENTION]...very cute interaction...♡


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