So frustrading, infuriating and sad...UPDATE

So THE meeting was on sunday and I'm cautiously optimistic that we will have significantly better englishbulldog in the future. In the next two years our club is conducting a health study together with the university and the kennel club were 30 to 50 english bulldogs will under go a thorough health check with X-rays (trachea, elbows, hips, back....the works) CT-scans (head and pelvis), different functionality tests and a 6 minute walking test. Based on the findings englishbulldogs will have a breeding suitability test and only the pups from parents that have passed the test will be registered. It takes time, money and effort from a lot of people, but this test will be free for the owners whose bullys are selected.

Thank you, Riikka, for this important update and for your time, effort
and your tremendous love & respect for the bully breed. Always love
seeing your two FINE examples, Usko & Voitto.

Give them kisses & hugs from me & Cami (yourself too)...GOD bless!

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