Jack Daniels

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Sep 1, 2011
Miami Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
Jack Daniels
So this past weekend my Jack was neutered. While there I asked the vet to quote me on an allergy test as well.

I was expecting it to be $200.

Their quote came in at a whopping $375.00!! :shout: So I sadly had to decline that test for now. I will have to do it at a later time...

Anyways, last nite I started googling "Allergy tests for dogs " to see if some vet office would show up in the results and that would maybe be advertising this test for much less.

I stumbled on this website which is not only for Pets, but for people too....
Im going to consider this and was wondering if anyone here has knowledge of this test and what your opinion is... Its NOT done with a blood sample. You have to mail them strands of your body hair....
Anyways, for $80.00 Its an option for many of us.......

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interesting,i asked my vet re testing annie and he said it was a waste of money due to the tests being unreliable!!,how true this is i dont know,but thanks for the link i will see if they do this in the uk,karen
interesting, but the blood test is the better way to go
hm interesting but i will stick with sarahs blood test [MENTION=2242]karenben[/MENTION] why dont you get the test anyway. sarahs was right on with some i did know about and some that make sense now that i see them in writing. i think its worth it to find out. but up to you as you are supposedly stop stop stopping with annies itching. :yes: im so glad i got sarah done.

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