Low salt dog food


New member
Jan 13, 2011
Hello everyone! I am new to this forum. I have 2 English Bulldogs, Wilma and Trixie. Both are 7 years old. Wilma has been recently diagnosed with Dialated Cardiomypathy. It is in the very early stages. Doctor has recommended I get her on a low salt dog food. He recommends I not use Science Diet HD. Does anyone know of a good dog food that is low in salt? The SD/HD sodium content is .04 - almost none. Right now they are eating Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice.

I hope to get to know you and your bullies. I will post some pictures as soon as I get a chance.

Jodi B
Welcome to the forum. Hope your search
goes well. I will look around some of the
dog food sites and see what I can find too.

Again welcome you are gonna love it here.
Let us see some pictures of those bullies.
So far I have found:

Fromm has 0.40 Sodium

Nature's Variety Instinct has 0.38

Natures Variety Prarie has 0.4

Natures Logic has 0.38

Orijen has 0.4

Taste of the Wild has 0.3

Those are just a few of the most popular foods that
I see talked about on the forums. I feed Jozi Taste
of The Wild and she is doing great on it so far.

Hope this helps. If you need anything else just
ask there are a ton of helpfull people on the site.
[MENTION=1708]jodib[/MENTION] Welcome to the site ... you will soon become addicted as much as we are!!! I'm afraid I don't know much about lo-sodium foods. Maybe [MENTION=4]Lindathedogsmaid[/MENTION] may be able to give you some more info as she is one of our resident food experts!!
Welcome Jodi, Wilma and Trixie!! This is a great site, so happy you found it. I really don't know about low sodium, but I feed my two girls Nature's Variety Prairie and they do very well on it.
this is correct. 0.4 is a normal amount in a good dog food, please try the Fromm, brand as a first choice for any bulldog. it is above and beyond any brand for quality, and a written-- guarantee ! no one else puts it in writing. not even natures variety that has been the choice of bulldog folks for years will put it in writing--which speaks volumes to us !!!! with live pre and pro biotis as well-- try this site and choose 4 star at first until you try all the meats, then switch to gold for all the meats combined to keep the dogs from becoming intolerant to any meats. the gold has lots of meats combined.
< www.frommfamily.com> you will love it
Thank you Linda. I have problems when I try to feed them anything with Fish however. I will get some of this food. Do you think .4 is a lot of salt?
Hi there, I checked and the duck has no fish nor any salmon oil in it. and the salt o.4 is not bad, there are lower salt, foods but at a great loss of quality. nothing I would feed a Bulldog. do get the duck and sweet potato. the after a couple months try the chicken and try the beef, they have salmon oil, But if the normal applies, the bit of salmon oil wont effect your dog, but is superb at giving the immune system and joints extra help. (as well as shedding) every dog so far loves the duck best also.
the pork,beef, chicken all have salmon oil, and I bet that much will be OK. good luck.

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