English Bulldog Worries

We have 2 bullies and love them to pieces. They can be very demanding whether its play time or they are just looking for love. As far as being a couch potato? At times they can be, but they would much rather being running around and playing than laying around any day. Our babies love people, we have never had an issue with company coming over and them being aggressive what so ever. As said in previous posts, bullies can be expensive only because they are so high maintenance. You will want to find a reputable vet that knows bullies and have them on a good quality dog food. Never never buy the cheapie stuff.
All the expense is so worth it tho. We love our babies as if they were one of our children. There is no other breed of dog like a bulldog and if you do decide to get one you will never regret it. But do your research, read read read about them. Read posts on here, books whatever you can get your hands on. Becuase just when you think you have it all figured out something else comes up.

Good luck with your decision. And if you do decide to get a bully baby please feel free to come back here and post lots of pics.

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