Baxters Eye - Experts, can you identify the problem?

  • Thread starter Baxter Tiberius
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Baxter Tiberius

He's always had amazingly clear bright round wide open eyes. No sagging or problems at all.

Now he's got this - very suddenly. Its not Cherry eye.



I let it go a day or two, but now he's starting to struggle. He walks around with his eyes closed.

His right eye - the affected one is pussing a lot. And he doesn't seem to want to eat very much.

I took him off the kibble because I always felt kibble was the cause of a lot of english bulldogs skin / eye / inflammatory issues. I had been giving him a *ton* of it lately to fatten him up a bit, but I don't know if that's related. Anyways he's off it now.

Trying to decide if I should take him to the vet or not. He seems very uncomfortable.

He needs to go in, infection, perhaps bacterial, scratch or from ulcer.
Let us know what Vet says and give Baxter love n hugs from us <3
Thank you so much [MENTION=5315]Texas Carol[/MENTION] !

It happened after a walk, so I almost wonder if there's an irritant in there too.
looks like an infection.... I would get him to the vet
Yep get to the vet, looks like either an eye infection, dry eye or maybe a scratch or ulcer. Poor Baxter. :(.

Anytime there is squinting that means a lot of pain. Pain is usually caused by some irritant and usually an ulcer. Could be anything causing the irritation, hairs, a scratch, or dry eye. Gotta find out what.

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Oh wow that does look painful, poor guy. I'd get him to the vet.
Yes I agree with anything catch it early and it can be helped early on. You don't want to wait and then have it get worse. You can tell you want to take him even if it is nothing for piece of mind. You don't want it to go another day and wake up tomorrow and it be way worse. Hope he gets better bully kisses. Please keep us posted on what it is and how Baxter is.
Hi Kevin I agree with others it definitely looks like it is infected, infections can be caused by many things, conjunctivitis or, pink eye, an ulcer or scratch to the eye, irritation from allergies, a foreign object in the eye, such as grass or dirt, or a virus. You can use Over the counter Polysporin eye drops, or a natural saline eye cleaner you can buy at the drugstore, or make yourself with distilled water and salt. These things are fine for a simple eye infection, but it can also be caused by more serious eye issues like a corneal ulcer or glaucoma which only a vet can diagnose. I would take him to the vet if you aren't sure.

Clean Your Dog’s or Cat’s Eye Right Away

Use this Saline Solution


½ cup warm water (distilled water if you have it on hand) with;
½ tsp salt;

Apply some of the solution to a cotton ball;
Use the cotton ball to wipe your dog’s or cat’s eye.
Bogey had the EXACT same thing when he was 9 months old- I was CONVINCED it was a cherry eye starting! BUT my wise vet calmed me down and told me it was no more than a bacterial infection of the 3 rd eyelid- with eye medication it resolved un eventfully!! Good luck!! It took about 6-7 days on the meds to look better! ( dang dog parks in warm weather!!)
Sorry to hear about Baxter, hope he feels better soon!!!
Hi all -

So the vet poured some yellow dye in his eye and then used a black light on his 3rd eyelid. He was looking for an "ulcer" but only pointed out a bright white line. I couldn't tell if that was a cut on the eyelid, or .... my concern was that it was a piece of something under the eyelid that he could irrigate. But he said no. Still wish he would have irrigated the eye. Maybe the copious amounts of yellow dye qualified as an irrigation too. He sent us home with eye antibiotic and told me to give him pill antibiotics for a handful of days too. Unfortunately when they tried to put the cone on his head he freaked out. He gets really scared by "objects" in general and even holding the cone in front of him made him run. Let alone putting it around his neck. So Im focusing more on the systemic antibiotics and still putting a little gel in his eye if I can. Its really hard. He wont let me. Doesn't seem to rub it off though.
Hi all -

So the vet poured some yellow dye in his eye and then used a black light on his 3rd eyelid. He was looking for an "ulcer" but only pointed out a bright white line. I couldn't tell if that was a cut on the eyelid, or .... my concern was that it was a piece of something under the eyelid that he could irrigate. But he said no. Still wish he would have irrigated the eye. Maybe the copious amounts of yellow dye qualified as an irrigation too. He sent us home with eye antibiotic and told me to give him pill antibiotics for a handful of days too. Unfortunately when they tried to put the cone on his head he freaked out. He gets really scared by "objects" in general and even holding the cone in front of him made him run. Let alone putting it around his neck. So Im focusing more on the systemic antibiotics and still putting a little gel in his eye if I can. Its really hard. He wont let me. Doesn't seem to rub it off though.

Darn cones.... so, it is an infection of some type? Can you distract him with a treat at his nose long enough to sit still for the gel?
Hope Baxter is feeling better and that the infection will clear up soon. I know how hard it is to see their eyes looking sore. Those cones are such a pain! I basically have to put mine in a head lock to get his meds in his eyes every day. He runs as soon as I pick up the tube.

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