Why do people feel the need to..

Well..I've got a story for you! I was in line at the post office at Christmas time...:bang: The wait was at least 45 minutes. Soooo who comes and gets in line behind me? My ex vet that I "fired" because of the way we were treated when we had to euthanize our sweet Rottie, Ana. (Long Story). Well, we hadn't really spoken since I cut the cord and moved on to a new vet. We started with small talk about the holidays..blah..blah..blah. Eventually the conversation turned to pets and she asked what we had in our menagerie now. I talked about Dena Dog, whom she knew, and the cats. Then I said, "Oh ya..we got our first puppy after 20 plus years!" She asked what we got, and the look on her face when I said English Bulldog, was priceless!! "Oh my gawwwwd," she exclaimed! "Are you crazy? Do you realize the health problems you have just purchased? Their eyes..their skin, their hips??". I let her go on and said yes, of course I was aware. We had done plenty of research and tried to get a healthy pup. How are his eyes?? She asked this at least 4 times! I informed her that he had been a very healthy guy and such a joy. She just kept shaking her head..I finally said.."look Dr. D......, we spent thousands and thousands of dollars, with you, on mixed breed dogs and other "healthier" breeds. And then the thousands on cats we've spent! I'm thinking your more worried you might be missing out on our money than you are about our Jake."That shut her up and I felt sooo good. :D

:ROFL: YOU FREAKIN ROCK!!!! I love it!
I took dozer for his first walk yesterday and some people stopped me to tell me how cute he was but nearly every body mentions how they have health problems and they said that these dogs are incredibly expensive....it is super annoying!!!!! Then some lady went on to tell me I was a bad dog owner because dozer has tear stains.....ugh lady go take a walk!!!
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I took dozer for his first walk yesterday and some people stopped me to tell me how cute he was but nearly every body mentions how they have health problems and they said that these dogs are incredibly expensive....it is super annoying!!!!! Then some lady went on to tell me I was a bad dog owner because dozer has tear stains.....ugh lady go take a walk!!!

People really, really piss me off
Yep, owning them for 18 years I have heard it all. I find the how much do they cost most irritating. That and how ugly they are.

At the same time though, I get loads of nice people who just want to pet them and they tell me how cool they are. So I get both types.
Good thread. As a new EB owner you all have prepared me for the glass "1/2 full" people!
most people say "wow, he is a big dog" or "is he friendly, i wanna pet him." I haven't had any rude encounters. Some people are afraid and step off the sidewalk to avoid him:nope:

The weirdest comment was someone asked me if he was a Shar-pei because of his wrinkles:ROFL:
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We had our own business (antique store) so our dogs always went to work with us. We got the fat, ugly dog comment every once in a while, but usually got positive comments!
most people say "wow, he is a big dog" or "is he friendly, i wanna pet him." I haven't had any rude encounters. Some people are afraid and step off the sidewalk to avoid him:nope:

The weirdest comment was someone asked me if he was a Shar-pei because of his wrinkles:ROFL:
Too funny.....someone asked me the same question, and my look was:eek: and:confused:.....:laugh:
i couldn't give less of a &*^& (excuse the language, but in this case it think it's appropriate) what people think they know or what they have to say about bullies. to me, it tells me loads about their character. if you cannot see the blinding beauty in a bullies face, you're obviously missing other beautiful things and beings in this world as well. so sad, too bad. makes me feel sorry for them, but just a teense.
i get mostly positive comments about sarah. how pretty she is and oh can i pet her or ive always wanted a bulldog. but i do get once in a while how fat she is. um are you serious? do i walk up to you and say your fat. people :nope:
Alot of people in my area don't even know what breed they are! Some women are afraid of Nigel, I guess he looks like he might tear a leg off to them. My vet doesn't like bulldogs, he's a big advocate against puppy mills and knows about all the bullies problems so he doesn't want anyone to buy bulldogs. I guess he figures if people stop buying them, then the breeders will stop breeding them. When we were looking at Talulah's X-ray of her dysplastic hip he gave me this "see what I mean" look. But he is the best vet in town, there are a few others but they focus on livestock.
One comment I've gotten was they are so ugly their cute by my mother in law and a couple of husbands friends.. Yesterday by my mil and I looked at her and said uh no there isn't anything ugly about him!!
oh my god i wish a muther F ###### would say something to me about mine.... i get how cute they are and a joke saying only a face a mother would love .... and my husband and they look alike !!! lol.............maybe it's the accent that puts them off for saying anything bad........ we tell people that are interested in getting one be prepared for the vet bills.... but you will a fantastic family member......... as for the snoring.... you should hear my husband when he sleeps...... Gio looks so much like Bonez!
I have not had anyone give me grief about Dozer in any way. But then again I am 6'-2" 290lbs.
I have not had anyone give me grief about Dozer in any way. But then again I am 6'-2" 290lbs.

:hmm:, yeah, thinking that has something to do with it! :LMAO:

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