RIP Buddy - 1997-2011


Jul 11, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley, Linus, Truman
After much contemplation, we decided to humanely euthanize our kitty, Buddy, this afternoon.

He was having all kinds of digestive and orthopedic problems and our vet suspected Buddy might have some kind of cancer and that he was no longer experiencing a quality of life that made prolonging his time with us humane.

His daddy, his brothers, and I will miss him so much but we're thankful for the 13 plus years we had with him and that he's somewhere beyond this world whole and healthy again.

RIP Buddy...

so sorry for your loss
Condolences for your loss. This is the hard part of having and loving our pets.
:hug: To say I know how sad you are are just words. Just know, I've walked in your shoes too many times. You did the right thing for Buddy and one of the hardest decisions for you. Peace to Buddy..I hope he likes big orange tabby cats..cuz I have a special guy at the bridge looking for a "Buddy".
Ahhhh, I'm so sorry for your loss. That's the hardest most unselfish decision we can make for our pets. :hug: to you!!! RIP Buddy.
I too have a Tabby that I love so I can imagine how hard this must be. It's s hard to watch your kitty feel sick and feel bad and we all have to make that decision when the time comes. I'm sure he's glad to be away from that body and his spirit is now free.

Oh I am so sorry Jill! I know you made the right choice for buddy, you were both blessed to have each other. Xxoo
AAww, Jill, I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. Even though we all know it is the best decision for our pet's health it is never easy living with it. I have been in your shoes.
Thanks everyone - much appreciated.

Poor kitty, I thought him being so old and frail would making losing him easier (because he was sick), but it's still so hard.

Your support is invaluable to me!
Sorry for your loss, Rest in Peace Buddy.

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