Help Needed! Red spot on belly?


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Nov 8, 2011
Millbrook, Alabama
Bulldog(s) Names
Aubrey (RIP 5-4-12), Aubie Shug (DOB 3-23-12)
I noticed a few days ago a red spot on Aubie's belly. It's itchy when we scratch her belly and its red coloring goes away when you scratch it; however, it comes back.


Her belly sometimes seems a little irritated, especially when she's been in the grass a lot, and I've noticed her chin is a little red too. What could this be?

She's going for her check up tomorrow, so I will have the vet look at it either way.
geez its hard to tell what it is to me. could be bacterial or fungal. is it dry and scaly? id use an anti bacterial anti fungal on it such as malaket wipes and some benadryl cream for the itching. let us know what the vet says.
geez its hard to tell what it is to me. could be bacterial or fungal. is it dry and scaly? id use an anti bacterial anti fungal on it such as malaket wipes and some benadryl cream for the itching. let us know what the vet says.

Agreed, it could be anything, let us know what the vet says.

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It was bacterial. They gave us some malaket wipes to use.

Question though: I have Malacetic Ultra that I used to use on Aubrey's wrinkles, face, etc. Would that work too if something similar to this ever crops up again? She had to go to the vet anyway this time for her rabies shot and stuff, but I'd like to avoid a vet trip if I can try to cure at home first.
@AubreysMom i looked it up and it says its an anti fungal anti bacterial so it should work also for this. it also says it has hydrocortisone in it for itching. so yes it should be ok for this to. im glad shes going to be ok. :)
Thanks! That's good to know for the future.
How old is she now? If she's still a pup it could be caused by the grass. They have tender little bellies and grass can cause tiny lacerations that can lead to a rash or infection. Shorter grass can prevent this and ointment will fix it.
She's 16 weeks. I'm thinking it may be partly due to the grass because if she's outside for a while, her little belly is really pink and broke out later.
It sounds as if she is allergic to the grass too!!
even though it was bateria.... she could be allergic to grass/weeds..

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