Opinions, please, about getting new puppy

I think I'm being harsh and I do apologize for that, but backyard breeding/puppy mills are a subject I feel very strongly about.

If you do get one of these pups, just be aware that while it may only be 800 bucks now, it could potentially cost you thousands of dollars in the first year alone. (Speaking from experience, frank is a rescue from a puppy mill and has cost about 6 grand in medical bills so far) I would get health insurance on it immediately. Franks insurance is the only reason why my savings have not been totally cleared out.

The puppy is not $800. It is that much less than what the going rate is around here. It is also not from a puppy mill. It is an individual who I just think does not know what she is doing who is selling the puppy. I still have not decided. Like some of the others have said, it could be considered a rescue. I appreciate your input.
I am aware that it is not a puppy mill. I also 100% disagree that it could be considered a rescue if a possible backyard breeder is reaping the benefits. but that is all I will say, because I don't know the full details. I will stay out of this discussion from here on out. Good luck.
The puppy is not $800. It is that much less than what the going rate is around here. It is also not from a puppy mill. It is an individual who I just think does not know what she is doing who is selling the puppy. I still have not decided. Like some of the others have said, it could be considered a rescue. I appreciate your input.

Ahh... I misread as well.
Even so, 800 less is quite the discount.

As long as you know it's probably a backyard breeder and there's a very good chance the pup will have health issues down the road, AND you don't have a problem paying for these bills.. then do what your heart tells you.

I have conflicting feelings about this. On one hand, you wanna save these pups, on the other, it continues to promote backyard breeding...
I say just feel it out when you get there. Ask to look around and see where the dogs are kept. It could be that it was two people who bred their dogs not knowing what they were doing and since they aren't reputable breeders, have extra puppies. Something makes me uneasy about it, but then I look at their faces and think you should get them both.....
Go meet them and then go with your heart/gut..... the food part sucks, but keep in mind they were not on it that long and if you decide to take one, then they are better off form that day forward.

As others have stated, just be prepared there could be health issues (more than normal) down the road since they seem to be either back yard breeding or someone not too smart wanting to have a litter for whatever reason :facepalm:
lol [MENTION=7373]g8erjackie[/MENTION] A Bulldog face is hard to resist.

I'm not trying to argue with anyone here. I am just wanting to hash out my thoughts and others opinions because it is a difficult decision. The puppies are AKC registered, as she has scanned them to me to see. Do you think that makes a difference? I honestly don't know, which is why I ask.

lol @g8erjackie A Bulldog face is hard to resist.

I'm not trying to argue with anyone here. I am just wanting to hash out my thoughts and others opinions because it is a difficult decision. The puppies are AKC registered, as she has scanned them to me to see. Do you think that makes a difference? I honestly don't know, which is why I ask.


It's definitely a difficult decision to make.. but like others have said, go meet them, check the place out, and do what feels right.

Regarding the AKC registration- that doesn't tell you anything about the health.
Go meet them and then go with your heart/gut..... the food part sucks, but keep in mind they were not on it that long and if you decide to take one, then they are better off form that day forward.

As others have stated, just be prepared there could be health issues (more than normal) down the road since they seem to be either back yard breeding or someone not too smart wanting to have a litter for whatever reason :facepalm:

:goodpost: Agreed 100%!
Well, Ginger [MENTION=14393]Mom of Tucker[/MENTION], I will chime in here and tell you how I got Winnie, though it won't be popular. I hope y'all don't hate me. When I was ready to get my bully (I wanted a puppy), there were not any available from any reputable breeders that I could find. There were puppy mill type puppies online, but you can tell those pretty easily and I would never get one of those. I looked on Craig's List for a while (there are scams on Craig's List of course, so you have to be careful). I found a listing for bulldog puppies, with good pictures, with a price of $1,300. which is lower than average. I gave them a call and the guy said he would meet me at a Target parking lot. I said no, that if I couldn't come to his house and see the mom and puppies that would be a deal breaker. He sort of hemmed and hawed and said they were at his mom and dad's house and they didn't want anyone to come there because they were afraid of Craig's List people! Anyway, he said I could come to the house, which was very clean and mom and puppies were very well taken care of inside the house. This guy had bred his female to a friend's male. He had all the vet records. I asked him questions about the health of the sire and dam, whether they had any allergies (no), cherry eye (no), hip displaysia (no), temperament issues (no). The dam was lovely, still letting the little buggars nurse at 8 weeks. They had been eating puppy Iams. They had not registered the pups.

So, I made the decision to go ahead and get Winnie. I've had bullies before and I know that when you get a puppy you must be prepared for vet bills, even if you get her from a reputable breeder. I took this guy's word about the health of the parents, which I know sounds naive. To me this guy is truly a "backyard breeder." And I really don't approve of backyard breeding--I think breeding should be left to real reputable breeders who know what they are doing. But the puppies in Winnie's litter needed homes too, so....

Flash forward, Winnie's a year old. She doesn't look like a show dog, but she's a pretty girl and she's all bulldog. She's sweet and so far, knock on wood, she doesn't have allergies, any skin problems, no hip displaysia and no cherry eye. She's been really healthy, so we've been very lucky.

Anyway, that was my experience with a backyard breeder and I'll leave it at that. I think everyone gave you good advise, but I just wanted to (get my butt kicked?!).... If you see these puppies Ginger, be very careful. And good luck!
[MENTION=13140]Donnam[/MENTION] I got my Henry in a similar way, except I didn't have a clue what to do or ask. I did meet in the parking lot, I didn't ask the questions, and I took him home anyway. Henry has pretty mild allergies. He's not a show dog even though there are several in his lines. Is major "flaw" is a crooked jaw and a worse under bite than usual. I'm a sucker. I'd bring one of those pups home. Lol
[MENTION=10908]Roseann[/MENTION], Hahaha, it's always best to ask the questions before you see the pups, because once you see them you're a goner!! That goes for any puppies, not just bullies!
[MENTION=13140]Donnam[/MENTION] and [MENTION=10908]Roseann[/MENTION], I think both of your stories are pretty common in the puppy world. I appreciate you being able to share them and "out" yourselves amongst the Bulldog fans we have here. Of course everyone wants the best for their pet when choosing a puppy. I do not subscribe to one camp or another as far as "backyard breeders" versus those will champion bloodlines. I believe my first love, Shiner, was a combination of the two, as his mom received AI, and she was no champion, but the dad was. The mom was owned by the wife of a veterinarian, so I thought it was a sure bet. Turns out, I got burned and my heart broke as a result.

I have decided not to purchase either of these pups being weaned on Puppy Chow. I appreciate those of you who got me to see both sides of the big picture.

Keep watching, though, Tucker may have a new sister girl soon ;)
Everyone has an opinion, and mine is that people can get a little judgy. Go see the puppies, Ginger. I know I would! Make the decision based on your gut, and you should be OK! :)

They sure are cuties!!
@Donnam and @Roseann, I think both of your stories are pretty common in the puppy world. I appreciate you being able to share them and "out" yourselves amongst the Bulldog fans we have here. Of course everyone wants the best for their pet when choosing a puppy. I do not subscribe to one camp or another as far as "backyard breeders" versus those will champion bloodlines. I believe my first love, Shiner, was a combination of the two, as his mom received AI, and she was no champion, but the dad was. The mom was owned by the wife of a veterinarian, so I thought it was a sure bet. Turns out, I got burned and my heart broke as a result.

I have decided not to purchase either of these pups being weaned on Puppy Chow. I appreciate those of you who got me to see both sides of the big picture.

Keep watching, though, Tucker may have a new sister girl soon ;)

You'll find the little one that's meant for your family.

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