Cali Doll

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Community Veteran
Nov 20, 2014
Northern VA
Bulldog(s) Names
She's training me so well. :yes:

Let me first say that, previously, I owned a Lhasa Apso, who took a solid 2 years to become house trained. I take full responsibility for this poor training, but it was a very hard first 2 years of dog ownership.

Anyway, I decided to be much more diligent with Bella. When I first brought her home, I was taking her out every hour and giving her prime treats and exuberant loving when she goes outside. She learned almost immediately to pee and poop right when we go outside.

Of course, she's had a few accidents inside, even a few on my bed (one accident just 30 minutes after peeing outside, lol)...

But now, she's only 13 weeks old and she is alerting me when she needs to go out. When we're sleeping on the bed, she wakes me up to go out. If I'm sleeping on the couch, she puts her front paws on the couch to wake me. As some of you may have seen me post, part of her puppy holy terror routine is to do the same thing (put her front paws on the couch) but with jumping, barking, scratching, nipping, etc. :evil:

Last night I fell asleep on the couch and, during the night, she put her paws on the couch to wake me. I told her to get down as I thought she was just being a nuisance. I woke up to a nice poopy present on the floor. LOL

That was a great lesson for me! She tried to let me know. You'd better believe that, this morning, I hopped up off the couch when she woke me. LOL

I am not used to a dog this far advanced at 13 weeks old. She's a genius, I tell you! Please forgive me this post of bragging. I'm just not used to this. :eek:

No one ever tell me bulldogs aren't smart.

Puppy pics for your viewing pleasure! :)


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Aww bless, make me wanna buy another bulldog looking at her photo

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What a smart adorable baby!!! Good job Bella!!!
Pretty AND smart:) Bulldogs are very clever, I think people just don't think so cos they are so independent and do what they want.
@Cali Doll Yes, she is a beautiful girl! I am happy that she is being so good about her potty going. Usually, just when you think you're in the "clear" they regress.
So be prepared, and don't be surprised it it does happen :unsure:
What a little doll, she is such a beauty add very smart. Almost potty trained at her age is almost unheard of. Keep up the good work, and you can brag on her any time you want, especially if you post pics too. :)
Thanks everyone! Manydogs, I fully expected Bella to pee on the floor after I posted this thread. LOL. So far, so dry...

I know things probably wouldn't stay great forever, but I'm going to celebrate this goodness while it lasts. :)
Sending good thoughts that you will stay lucky!!
Oh my what a beautiful baby!!!! Good for you for sticking with the training. I remember how hard those nighttime potties can be.
What a babydoll.... and a genius!

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