Help Needed! Loving the outdoors???


Aug 26, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
All. Over the past week or so, my butterball does not want to come inside after potty. He used to do his business and come inside no problem. Now he tugs, pulls, or sits when it is time to come in. At first, I thought, he needed more outdoor time or to play with other pups. So I increased both outdoor time and playtime with other dogs. Finley is only resisting more, even if we have had a long walk. BTW, once he is inside Finley's demeanor is the same as always, sweet and playful. Has anyone else experienced this? Thoughts and suggestions, please.
All. Over the past week or so, my butterball does not want to come inside after potty. He used to do his business and come inside no problem. Now he tugs, pulls, or sits when it is time to come in. At first, I thought, he needed more outdoor time or to play with other pups. So I increased both outdoor time and playtime with other dogs. Finley is only resisting more, even if we have had a long walk. BTW, once he is inside Finley's demeanor is the same as always, sweet and playful. Has anyone else experienced this? Thoughts and suggestions, please.
I don't remember how old Finley is-thinking a pup, but he is probably just testing you. If you let a bulldog be in charge-they will be, even more so than other breeds. They are stubborn, and very intelligent, and will "test" you, to see if you, or they are the "alpha". If need be, carry him in. When you are in, give him a treat and tell him he is a good boy! EBD's know how to try you, and try to be in charge!! Mom is the alpha, but no need to be mean or yell(play mind games-ha!ha!)
[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] Thank you. Finley is 7 months. Practicing positive reinforcement training. You validated my thought process and my actions! My last thought was— he is testing me. I noticed him glancing up at me when acting in said manner. It reminded me of human tweens & teens pushing boundaries.

Although I do not like to tug/pull him, I have done so the past 24 hours when the surface is safe. Additionally, no more pleading. Give the command once or twice (he is still learning). Staging my feet & head to face MY desired direction. Depending on the distance & reasonable amount of time to comply he is either dragged or scooped up. And follow the set routine of wipe down & treat as per usual.
[MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] Thank you. Finley is 7 months. Practicing positive reinforcement training. You validated my thought process and my actions! My last thought was— he is testing me. I noticed him glancing up at me when acting in said manner. It reminded me of human tweens & teens pushing boundaries.

Although I do not like to tug/pull him, I have done so the past 24 hours when the surface is safe. Additionally, no more pleading. Give the command once or twice (he is still learning). Staging my feet & head to face MY desired direction. Depending on the distance & reasonable amount of time to comply he is either dragged or scooped up. And follow the set routine of wipe down & treat as per usual.

Exactly! As Lynne stated, he is at the testing stage... 8 months and again around 18 months... buggers! Stay consistent and firm

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Exactly! As Lynne stated, he is at the testing stage... 8 months and again around 18 months... buggers! Stay consistent and firm

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Thank you. So far it is working. :up::hug::rundog::rundog:
The heads up about 18 months is much appreciated.
[MENTION=18569]Corea99[/MENTION] If Finley wears a collar, do not drag him, it will injure his throat. Better to use a harness(or bribery-ha!ha!)
[MENTION=18569]Corea99[/MENTION] If Finley wears a collar, do not drag him, it will injure his throat. Better to use a harness(or bribery-ha!ha!)

Excellent point...

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[MENTION=18569]Corea99[/MENTION] If Finley wears a collar, do not drag him, it will injure his throat. Better to use a harness(or bribery-ha!ha!)

Finley sports a harness, no collar. Buying a bell tomorrow for potty. Wish me luck & good juju I can train him to use it!
He will learn. You ring it when you are going out with him.

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