Jagger's Allergy test

The testing is expensive. But I would advise it if you have a bully with severe allergies. It gives you a better idea of what you are up against.
My first bulldog had pretty severe allergies...grasses, trees, poultry, etc. He started shots at about 1 year old. I had the allergy serum sent directly to my home...I believe it was about $56.00/per vile (this was 2000-2008). Vile would last about 3 or 4 months. Good luck with your guy!!
I've had similar problems with my youngest bully had a real allergy problem that led to constant scratching and licking that caused infections. We tried a variety of treatments before finally putting him on Cyclosporine - a medication which is used by transplant patients (and animals with bad allergies) that alters to immune system to NOT overreact to allergens. It's somewhat expensive but it's been a miracle for us after so much else has failed - including food changes. So that's my experience, I'm not sure if that helps but you're not alone...allergies are a real pain.
I've written it down and I'm going to ask Dr. Fugett if it is an option for us. I'm leaving for New Orleans so we are not going to start anything this until I come back. I just know something has to be done for Jagger. I'm thankful for everyone here at EBN for all the help and support.
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My first bulldog had pretty severe allergies...grasses, trees, poultry, etc. He started shots at about 1 year old. I had the allergy serum sent directly to my home...I believe it was about $56.00/per vile (this was 2000-2008). Vile would last about 3 or 4 months. Good luck with your guy!!

Oh that's doesn't seem so bad. I'm paying $54 a month now on temaril p. But I would pay more if I had to. Jagger is so pitiful if he doesn't have it. He itches, his eyes swell and he licks his feet :(
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Poor guy. I hope he can get a little relief, happy you had the test done. Like everyone else has said allergies are a real pain.

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