Hello from Frederick, MD


New member
Mar 1, 2012
Frederick, MD
Bulldog(s) Names
Winston & Logie
I'm Stephanie and live with my hubby to be, Winston who is a 3 year old EBD and Logie that is the King of the house and he's a 1 year old frenchie. I love my little bulldog family. Well Winnie isn't that little, just don't tell him I said that.

We purchased Winston, aka, Winnie when he was only a small little bitty baby (sigh, I miss those days, well not all of them..hehe) and he is nothing but 70lbs of pure laziness with his random sprits of rough housing with his younger brother. He doesn't have a care in the world unless its dinner time and enough room on the couch with his Dad to make him squirm around him.

Logie is the little frenchie that rules the house, gets into everything and keeps me on top of my game. He lets EVERYONE know when the mail man drops the mail in the box, a knock on the door or even when he sizing up a kid looking outside the sliding doors.

We're all pretty darn comical in our own ways. Friends seem to be pretty entertained when they come by our home for a visit.

Anyhow, I wanted to drop in, introduce myself and tell everyone this site is awesome! I've been coming here for years when in doubt with my pups and certainly as I was going through a tough time with Winnie's allergies and switching food. I hope to become more active with everyone and meet some friends along the way!
:welcome: Just to let you know we love pictures here!!!! lol So glad you joined the family! There are amazing people on this site that will go above and beyond to help eachother out! Anything you need you ask and you will definatley have a whole bunch of answers!!!! I really wanna see that lazy butts pictures :lol: My brother has a Boston Terrier Winston ( crazy crazy crazy) thats all I can say about him!
Hello and a belated welcome to the site!

Welcome to EBN! We've been waiting for you!
aaaaaa.......aaaaaa......:picknose:........I think I am going to like this one!!! She has a little spunk to her! Welcome to EBN! Look around, don't look around, do as you please :)! Stay away from the crazies.....so that is pretty limited....So pretty much just me :gum:......I have no clue what is happening to all the bully owners! :) Welcome again and you will love this site! So helpful and you will meet all of us Bully Obsessed mommies and daddies....yep your are not the only one! Really would love some pics of your babies!!! Not just your EB but your frenchie too! Have to show those little guys off! TTYL :fart:..aaaaa...wasn't me! :pleasantry:
O and if you need any help with the allergies and food change....[MENTION=2291]cowsmom[/MENTION] is our go to person for that stuff...She knows her stuff....well so she thinks she does! :tease:
:welcome: [MENTION=4438]slebrun[/MENTION], we are so happy you decided to dive in and introduce yourseldf after years of lurking.
I see that [MENTION=4292]Cooper11[/MENTION] has said :hello:...be careful she's one of the crazies :shhhh: :whistle:

Anyways after a lot of time spent looking through the site I am sure you saw that pics are not an option they are compulsary :)

Wilson and Logie sound a commical pair, I look forward to being entertained by them :D
:welcome: to the whole family! Sure would love to see pics now! :)
Welcome to EBN
:welcome: to EBN, Steff. Sounds like you have a great bullie home and I can't wait to see the pix. Participation in the site is what makes this so much fun. Sharing experiences is what makes this site so informative. Im glad you have decided to finally join and look forward to talking with you more. :)

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