Help Needed! Full Blood Panels


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
[MENTION=4225]Twice[/MENTION] [MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] (Tagged you because I know you have experience with them :) )

We booked an appt for Punkin to have a blood screening done today. He's been having some tummy troubles once every couple of weeks for the past couple of months, where he would either throw up or have really soft stools and not want to eat his breakfast or dinner.

Do you know what to look for in the blood panel? Or what questions to ask? It's very unlike him to decline food, since he's not at all picky. And he's not the type of person that would pick stuff off the floor/ground. His energy level seems ok, he loves running for a few seconds, lol, in the snow. I guess he's a winter kind of guy.
No knowledge to add for you, but I just wanted to wish Punkin well and tell him to feel better soon. Stiggy needs someone to watch his back!
I sure hope you find out what is bothering him! Perhaps a stool check would not hurt either? Have you checked his temperature?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk :)
I don't hav any advice or knowledge on this, but just wanted to say hope all goes well at the vets, and with the blood test results. Sending lots of love, hugs and prayers to you and Punkin, that everything is okay. Get better Punkin. Keep us posted please as to what the vet says.
That depends on what the doctor thinks the problem is. I would think the most important thing to watch is his platelet count. An elevated level would indicate an infection of some kind. Abnormal values for AMY (or amaylase) could indicate problems with his pancreas and abnormal Albumin could indicate liver issues.

Any of these could cause vomiting.

Please let me know what the doctor said. :pray: that he is ok
I'm really not sure. When you think back did it all start with the packing up of your old house, and then the subsequent move to your parents.

Bullies can be a bit funny about things like that and we all know how OCD they can be about change. I'm just wondering if he's getting a bit stressy about all the change that has been going on in his life over the last couple of months or so ......
We rescheduled for 2 Saturdays from now. Researched online and read that its best to fast him for at least 8 hours ... which i found out only right after he finally ate his breakfast. He ate it with gusto, which is a relief. We'd still like to go forward with the blood panel though for peace of mind. He's always worried us since the whole lump ordeal and his unknown past. Eating royal canin for 5 years wasn't exactly the best either.

We moved in September and the indigestion only started a couple of months ago, so unsure about that. But just realized that my mon started using new plug in scents recently, maybe that's the reason? He's always been a lot less sensitive than stiggy so whenever he's sickly it's more worrisome.
So hope it isn't anything serious and he is just allergic to the scent oils.

Prayers and positive thoughts to you all


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