Almost 2000 members!!!!!!


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
We almost have 2000 registered members at English Bulldog News! :up:

Let the countdown begin, I wonder how long it will take us to reach this number? We have 1,973 as of right now!

Don't forget to invite your bully friends! :yes:
Bruce passed around some cards at the bully meet up today.
Just think what would happen if they all posted on the same day.... lol... I'd :heart: it!!!!! :)
It is amazing how fast this site has grown! That is a credit to you Lisa and all your hard work! How exciting!
I remember and it doesn't seem that long ago we were counting up to 1000 members. Growing fast! That is awesome news.
At this rate I don't think it's going to take too long to get to 2000!!! Maybe we should have a 2000th member award for them to have!!! :up: Who was the 1000th person to join ... just wondering if they are still an active member!
Just 4 away, will it happen today?

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