
  1. JennieS

    I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Chubbs~ English Bulldog Available for Adoption in Texas

    Update from Chubbs’ foster momma: Chubbs has been with me for almost a week and each day, as he becomes more comfortable, more of his personality comes through. He loves his crate so much that he often doesn’t want to come out. He feels very secure there. He will stand by the door or bark at...
  2. Goob14

    Still Having the Same Trouble...Paw Licking

    I have posted about this topic before but here it is again. Goob LOVES to chew his bone all day long. Not a problem. It is his favorite toy. The problem comes after he chews. He lathers up A LOT of saliva. THIS>>>> TURNS INTO THIS>>>> Meet Mr. Santa Clause Now, I have tried keeping the bone...
  3. Christina Stevens

    Had my Bentley at Vet today!!

    Just a little back ground first. My Bentley in the middle of the night only will start licking and then will start to vomit. He sometime will have lots of plehem and sometimes nothing I will stick my hand in his mouth and there will be lots of plehem on my hand. After a trying to vomit he will...
  4. alyssahope

    Constantly licking face and paws

    Maggie is CONSTANTLY licking her lips and paws. To the point of injury on her paws and chin. Because bullies and prone to chapped chins the constant licking causes rubbing on the floor and paws and makes her chin bleed and her paws break out. When I can keep her monitored and stop her from...
  5. maggiemashinske

    Food question

    I have a 7 -8 month old bulldog. I think we are having a food issue with. She eats fromm beef and frittata, she is itching her chin and licking her paws, also her eyes are wet causing her folds to get wet also. Do you think we should try a different type of fromms such as pork? And because...
  6. cefe13


    Overall, Castor seems to be quite a happy dog, but he has those periods of almost obsessive licking (front legs and air licking). Usually, it's possible to redirect him, but he starts again after a minute or two. He doesn't do this all the time but a couple of times a day, very intensely. We...
  7. C

    For the love of Josie

    Back after a bit of a hiatus. Things have and continue to go incredibly well with Josie. Taste of Wild appears to agree with her. I made a quick transition with no side effects. Did have to take her in to get a nail trim. Her right ear got inflamed, cut from scratching it. I washed ear with luke...
  8. TyTysmom

    Fromms Gold - Weight Management

    Hello :) Has anyone had any experience with Fromms Gold Weight Mgmt? Tyson has tried the Pork/Peas, and Lamb/Lentil, both are seeming to give him the itches, and his face get red, along with licking of his paws. He did well on bland chicken/rice and I noticed the Fromms Weight Mgmt is...
  9. binxrexchubbs

    licking genital area

    Okay, let me be more specific. Chubbs goes in circles, FOREVER, licking and (I think) trying to bite his ding-a-ling. I tried looking at it and it looks a little red. Is that normal or is he biting it? He's also trying to lick his rear (super funny how frustrated he gets because he can't reach.)...
  10. Cali Doll

    Bella behavioral update

    So, a couple of things about Bella: She walks now! It looks like my pup will be a walking partner. When I first got Bella, she would only walk far enough to pee/poop. I'd have to carry her away from home so that she would walk back home. Crazy! Then, I got her to walk more and walk...
  11. bullie mom

    Nutrisca Chicken & Chickpeas causing excessive drooling???

    I recently switched both of my bullies over to Nutrisca Chicken & Chickpeas food as their previous food was discountinued (Source Turkey & Peas). My younger boy, Memphis, is allergic to just about everything (according to many allergy tests) and this is one of the few foods that I've found that...
  12. Christina Stevens

    Strange Behavior

    First off everyday my EBD amazes me. He is so fun to have around and everyday he does something different. The last few days he has started licking the wood door that goes to our basement. I'm not sure why he does this but he just sits there and licks away. Has anyone every had a EBD do this...
  13. Vince00

    Looking for Advice - Kain (Licking / Excess Saliva not himself)

    Evening everyone, long long time since i've been around, I apologize as I got a new position within work and it's been an absolutely ridiculous pace in 2014. Question for you guys, Last few day's (2 to 3) for sure, Kain started at times licking like crazy with an excess of Saliva. It will...
  14. H

    Tail Pocket Drama!

    Hi, I am new to the site and new to owning a bulldog. My little boy Chief is 7 months old now! I have always cleaned his tail pocket and he has always been fine with it, he would usually just sit down and stick his tongue out like he was licking the air. However the last few days he hasn't...
  15. C

    Toe Cyst Saga

    Ever since she was past the age of 2 our Mabel has experienced reoccurring feet cysts on her front two paws. She is not AKC registered which could possibly be the root of the cause but, regardless, we have been battling, trying to keep down the licking, blood, pus and pain our poor bully has...
  16. yulia

    Kira eats raw meat first time in her life :)

    Two days till our puppy Kira comes home! Since I am planning on feeding her raw meat, per my request the breeder agreed to introduce her to raw meat. Yesterday she tried her first place of raw ground beef :). She was just licking it at first till she got brave enough to actually eat this new...
  17. binxrexchubbs

    What's with all the licking??

    Chubbs licks both my & my hubby all the time. Arms, legs, clothing, face, hair... lick, lick, lick. He always has a full bowl of fresh water. Thoughts? Anyone else hear of a bully doing this? :detective2: