Merrick Davison
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  • Hi there Merrik Davison. This is what you should give your baby bully for preventive treatment of UTI, UT Strenght Cannine Bite Size Chews, with Cranberry ,probiotics,N-Acetyl glucosamine. You can buy online or at vets office. Check out pet meds online so that you can read more about them.
    Sorry, me again, I'd look through the archives first and see if the group has talked about it in the past.
    I forgot to add that I didn't mean that the raw diet will cure her, more so just keep things under control and not make her worse.
    Hi. Here's the Natural Rearing group I subscribe to.

    Have to warn you though that they strictly believe in the raw diet, no vaccines and such, so you're going to get an earful on that. But they should be able to provide you with a different perspective on what to do with Fiona. Really hoping that you find some answers. My Stig was on antibiotics too for a long time because of his allergies. But once I switched his diet, everything's been great.
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