You have created a monster!!!

That is the cutest photo! Every time I think I've seen the cutest-the cuteness is even cuter! Bullies are cute to INFINITY!!!! I just wanna' kiss them all....:Muah:
I want to be her in my next life...bully got it made!!! that is just to freaking cute.
Oh my gawd! That is so freaking adorable!!!! And with 'stinky bear' too! She is not spoiled...but love how she's taken over Vegas' present. LOL!
I think Petunia is getting a cooleroo (sp?) from Santa!
Orion has to be the cutest bullie everything she does is so darn adorabull.

Love love that photo :heart:
She is just LOVING life.... I love how she has her arm around her stinky bear too

Only Bulldogs can get away with being cute and naughty at the same time.

No [MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION], this was sent from my Droid Razr, not an iPhone... using Tapatalk 4.
I love the whole scene of her in front of the fire with her arm around her stinky bear. You didn't even mention the shirt she's wearing though.
She is too cute for words...If I had to have a PITA I'd choose her!
That just may be one of the cutest things I have ever seen :luv:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

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