Y'all, I'm in need of my people AGAIN. I think Ranger may be depressed (if doggie depression is a thing)


New member
Jan 23, 2017
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Okay, I will TRY to keep this short and sweet. My precious husband works in Industrial Heavy Construction. The short of it, he builds Power Plants mostly. He is very high up on the food chain within his company (swear not bragging, that brings meaning to the story) so because of the highness, he travels. ALOT. For long periods of time usually. When we got Ranger he was nine weeks old and my husband was only with him for a week before he had to leave to go on another assignment. Obviously, over the past year my husband has made monthly trips home for a few days here and there. Ranger has adjusted well. Until recently. My husband decided to take 5 (FIVE!) weeks off of work and stay home and mostly fish, with Ranger. They have been glued to each other. Best buds. Ranger has attached himself to my husband like I'd never thought he'd do. After all HE IS MINE! Well y'all the time has come and Richard (my husband) has taken another assignment in a different state for 8 months. He had to leave Tuesday (the 4th which was his and Ranger's bday) he cried like a baby leaving Ranger. (I'm chopped liver. [emoji849])
Y'all. I swear Ranger is depressed. Is this normal?If my daughter or I can't find Ranger we know immediately where to look for him. In my husband's closet hidden in his jackets. Or in my husband's "man/fishing" room. He still eats and drinks just fine and enjoys terrorizing the cows and horses but if we are in the house he hides in the closet and doesn't want to play. When he goes out, if he's allowed to go by the boat barn he'll just sit there with his head down. Or try to jump up and open the door. What can I do? Is he really depressed or just missing his dad? Y'all I'm struggling and need some help please!! I feel so bad for him. It's breaking my heart. Just look at these pictures [emoji30]

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Awwwwwwwwa poor little thing......All you need is another little Ranger! When you have another dog they keep each other company. I swear it works!! Why i got Duke. It takes a few days before Ranger comes back to be himself. He'll get use to it but to be honest with you, 2nd dog will help Ranger.
Aww poor baby. He probably is missing your hubby, but he will re bond with you while he's away. Just spend extra time snuggling with him and playing with him and he will soon be himself again. I agree with Helene, you need a buddy for Ranger.


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Oh, what a faithful heart has your little bullie! These dogs have hearts of gold! Missing Dad or Mom is tough for them, as every time you leave, they think it's forever, as they don't know concept of time. It's like a disaster for them.
It shouldn't turn into depression, he will gradually improve. Me and my husband used to travel a lot last year, so Tank did the same, he was lying under the bed on the side of missing family member, stole clothes from washing and lied with them etc.
[MENTION=16788]Ranger777[/MENTION] Poor Ranger!! I travel A TON (construction and mining equipment auctions and appraisals) all I can say is FACE TIME :) Joey is quite happy staying with my sister who only lives a road away BUT as she got older it was apparent when I was gone that she would anticipate my return, mope around, and that made me feel bad. When I go (not as long as our guys) it's only for days or a week at a time, not months. When I am not on the road I work from home.

Is it possible to set up a daily face time session ?
Sure he misses Dad, without question. But he's depressed because he can't go fishing. Pull the boat out of the barn and take him fishing. You don't have to catch anything...just go.
Or, I'll be happy to babysit him for 8 months. I'll take him shark fishing...he'll go nuts over that!
Bullies are such an emotional breed, why we love them
so deeply and also why they can drive us batty!

Agree with all great advice above, get another,
take him fishing, do face time...any or all of these :)

He will adjust tho, bullies are also TOUGH.

I worry more about your husband. ;)

My Beloved also worked for long periods of time away
from us most of our 28 yrs together. Takes special type
of people to make that work but it did for us and long
periods of time together was sweet & very special.

Hugs to y'all & prayers of blessings & protection, XOXO
I was going to suggest (as [MENTION=15364]oscarmayer[/MENTION] did) that you take Ranger fishing,swimming(life preserver) try to keep him a little busy,and do fun things. I do believe he is missing his Dad. Thinking that FaceTime may make it worse-seeing and not touching? Those photos are so sad.......... [MENTION=16788]Ranger777[/MENTION] If you can't take the boat out-maybe a friend can-or sit by the water and fish.
Oh no...poor Ranger!! Those pictures make me so sad. But you have been given GREAT advice! I am sure he will snap out of it in no time.
sweet sad :( pictures .... I was just thinking........... I'm sure you too go through some 'separation' adjustments when hubby leaves?. Even though you may be used to it, , as humans we understand and can work it out better. Mabie he's picking up some of the adjusting from you as well so as others have said,,, see about getting more busy with him and blow off that energy you both were getting accustom to ??? Just some thoughts,,, and hugs for that sweet pup of yours..
Pictures broke my heart [emoji174] in answer to your question I say yes dogs do get depressed in my opinion. My bulldog became depressed after tail amputation surgery he just laid in his crate and I too came here for advice and was reassured that they will come out of it. Yes this was a different situation but recently I've had a similar thing here with my daughter. She was away a lot when George was a puppy then she came back home and he bonded with her (insofar as George bonds) she then took a holiday and after a couple of day I could see him going back into his depression again and he even got sick the day before she came home so the day she got back we had to make a trip to the vet. I honestly think it was because he thought she was gone because the vet thought we were crazy as he was fine when we got there. Once she arrived home he was fine. Unfortunately you won't have your husband home as soon but as suggested maybe you could bring him to the places he went with his dad and maybe find so fun places that are just yours and Rangers. To finish give him some time first he will come around dogs don't hold on to the past for long.

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Poor guy!! My hubby is gone a lot too as we own a business 70 miles away. When he's home for a few days my girls follow him everywhere. Few days of moping after he leaves, then improvement. They both prefer to go to our shop because our customers give them lots of attention. Even though we have 2 EBDs, they prefer human company. If they're apart, they could care less. Lol. I think Sadie is hoping for the day Lady "goes back where she came from" as Lady has only been here 4 months. But lots of folks here have dogs that actually entertain each other. JEALOUS
They definitely get depressed. Bulldogs are attached to their humans. Anytime me or my husband leave for more than a day or two Tyson gets sad, depressed, and makes himself sick. This is why we can never got anywhere unless he's going with us.

Like many other mentioned, give him extra love, spoiling, try to do some of the things your husband did with him. Tyson loves going for rides so if I see him down in the dumps when my husband is gone, I'll take him for car rides, to the park, etc. I think its very common with bullies sadly, all you can do is give extra momma loving, and maybe start up some new things to do with him in place of the things he did with hubs.
OMG... so precious and sad at the same time..... yes, he is depressed, as long as he has 'Dad' scent he will be OK. Give him some time to adjust and make sure he gets lots of attention and exercise... maybe this is your chance to bond with him ;)

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