worried.. Duke is sick ??


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Mar 25, 2011
Philadelphia PA
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Please give me your opinion. I am at work, my son called .. Duke threw up food about 3 hours ago.. ryan gave him some ice and about ten minutes he threw up bile?? should I panic and leave work and have him seen or can I wait until 5 to see how he is and if so take him to the vet? I feel so bad!! my son said he just seems blah
They can get sick just like we do so I wouldnt necessarily panic. I would keep an eye on him, or have your son make sure he seems ok. Mygsy was just under the weather a while back and it took him a couple days to feel good again. In fact he even didnt eant his green beans which is a sure sign so I offered him banana and he turned that down, something that NEVER happens. Anyhow we just let it run its course. I would make sure he doesnt just throw up and not drink. Maybe get him some pedialyte to get fluids in him. He hasnt eaten anything unwanted I assume?
I hope to God not!!! we had him at the ER a few months back because he ate a toy BUT since then we watch him like hawks.. so I can't imagine.. My son said he is ok but just seems uncomfortable :( I just didn't know whether to panic and leave work and take him right away.. his bowels are fine? before when he ate the toy he had the runs and was throwing up like crazy.. this time he got sick 2-3 hours ago and then just again now
Stig throws up from time to time too. We figured out it was the sun when we let him sunbathe beside the glass doors. Your son says that he's pooping and drinking ok? That's a sorta good sign.
I wouldn't panic - I agree with [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] - dogs get sick like people get sick sometimes. Sometimes Truman eats too fast and gets sick. Sometimes Linus gets a little phlegm in his throat and gets sick. It could be a bunch of things and the vast majority are not emergencies. Of course, keep an eye on things but rest and some fluids and see if he feels better.
It's so hard being away from them when they aren't well. Sounds like your son is keeping a good eye so I'd see how he is when you get home. Maybe skip feeding him to give his belly time to settle?

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thanks again everyone.. I called the vet and he said its a good sign that his bowels are normal.. and its been two hours with no more.. my son said he is sitting up though and the vet said its the same with us.. when your stomach is upset sometimes you don't want to lie down ..I will keep you posted..
Oh poor Duke!! Matilda kisses coming his way!! I hope he gets better!!
AWWW..I am soooo sorry! Just got here! I can imagine your mind goes right to where you were a few months ago...I have to agree with everyone else..he probably just has an upset tummy..Maybe all the excitement of having you home and all. I know they can have pepcid...I hope he just rests and as long as everything else is ok (:poo:)..I would just watch him. Good thing your son is there..helps to know he is being watched over. :hug: from us...
AWWW..I am soooo sorry! Just got here! I can imagine your mind goes right to where you were a few months ago...I have to agree with everyone else..he probably just has an upset tummy..Maybe all the excitement of having you home and all. I know they can have pepcid...I hope he just rests and as long as everything else is ok (:poo:)..I would just watch him. Good thing your son is there..helps to know he is being watched over. :hug: from us...

Yes my mind went exaxctly 4 months back!! what a nightmare.. I feel bad. Ryan said he is fine but won't lay down :(:(:(
Our Punkie and Chloe both suffer from acid reflux and occasional indigestion. Their symptoms were throwing up food followed by throwing up bile...sometimes they even slober excessivly due to the upset stomach. Ours two girls take a 10 mg generic Pepcid AC each morning and if they show signs of indigestion, another 10 mg. an hour before bedtime. Our vet prescribed Pepcid AC and it has worked like a charm...no more upset tummies. If you have Pepcid AC at your house, you could tell your son to give your boy one tablet hidden in a bite of lunch meat, hot dog, peanut butter, cream cheese...whatever he likes. Good luck with your baby...hope he feels better soon!

he won't lay down and is so tired :cry:

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