Why is Walt foaming/drooling? Separation anxiety?

I believe the foaming started after baby. I have more to add. While my father in law was dog sitting with my kids while i was at the hospital, apparently Walt got bit by a Labrador. I felt scars on his head but i assumed it was from playing in the bushes... ill never leave him with my FIL again... anyways, walt is up to date on rabies but not sure if that is related.
The anti-itch pills were given to me by his vet a couple months ago when i took him in for food allergies needing antibiotics and everything. I had some pills left over so i thought as needed id give them. Its called apoquel. I dont believe its related to the foaming since i rarely give it and didnt have a problem with it before.

Also, he now has hot spots in his feet. He's been licking his feet all 4 of them and now hot spots are coming up in between them. It's pretty frustrating.

UGH -- lots happening all at once, it may just be some stress form all the changes. They are little OCD creatures and all the changes at once could just be a little too much. I have not used apoquel, but many others do and have great results. I use cytopoint shots for Lambeau to help his allergies, so far great results and no side effects at all.

I agree with Chip... you are doing everything you can to keep him involved and as long as you continue that, he should be fine.

Can you , if you have a chance, post a picture of his paws? What are his allergies.. environmental?

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