What strangely disappears in your house??

I have all your stuff here....way too much of it - please come get it!!!!!

well, except for the money that [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION] is misssing :rofl:
I have something else to add to the list ........ the clippy thiings that you use to close packets and bags of frozen stuff. Doesn't matter if they are the magnetic type that can go back on the fridge door, or the basic clippy things ................. they all FRICKIN' run awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! :bitching:
We have that issue with wine and vodka in my house. I think Bacon is having friends over during the day when we are at work
I am dying laughing over here; my house is the same way. The one that gets me daily is the comb; I buy five or six at a time and they just disappear. Gone and no one knows where they are; I chase coffee cups (my son comes in grabs coffee and goes to work) lunch boxes, tupperware, phones, socks, pencils and pens, and god help you if you are the one opening a can because the can opener is no where in sight. Our house is only 1500 square feet but you would think it is 10,000 because everything just gets up and walks to the place of no return. This is hilarious to me...I am gald its not just our house.

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