What size antlers?

this is a great privately owned pet shop that sells Deer and Elk antler in many different sizes.

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If you soak them in water every now and then it extends their Gnawability. I soak Peppers in some water with chicken broth, she goes stark raving mad over it. I don't use Beef Stock because you end up getting gassed out the house

Great suggestion, thanks!
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] This may sound stupid... but I have been wondering whether or not the antlers your order or buy are any different than the ones the guys bring back from hunting. If they are the same thing, then I know people who hunt, and I'm going to save me some money!
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They are pretty much the same. I get mine from hunters also. Just scrub them good first . A jig cuts them to size pretty good or a hacksaw . I don't suggest giving your dog the button end though. You know the end of the antler that attaches to the skull, its a choke risk
They are pretty much the same. I get mine from hunters also. Just scrub them good first . A jig cuts them to size pretty good or a hacksaw . I don't suggest giving your dog the button end though. You know the end of the antler that attaches to the skull, its a choke risk

Great tip..I also like the suggestion of soaking in water. My mom can get these from her friends that hunt so I was trying to figure out the best way to treat them.
When I get them intially I cut them to size. the narrow ends I find really aren't good for a full grown bully so I save them for pups. I clean them well with a scrub pad and if they are old and dry I tend to go ahead and soak them in water , with broth and even fruit juice at times.That really keeps her chewing them. Plus soaking sort of refreshes the calcium and they don't become as soft. Elk antler is more porous than deer so they tend to get chewd up .

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