Wellie's in the Hospital.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
b and w
About 9 am he became very lethargic. Didn't want any treats, didn't want to move, and was obviously in pain.
We thought it was his tummy since we're in the middle of switching him from boiled hamburger to Fromm.

Then about 12, after Blue's training session, we saw he wasn't any better and now his breathing was shallow as well. We got in the car, and took him straight to the emergency hospital here.

They x-ray'd his chest (twice), did full blood work including gas and also did a sonogram. Turns out he has Aspiration Pneumonia.
He got it from swallowing his own vomit. They also saw something on his spleen, but the radiologist was gone by the time they did it so we won't know until Monday.

They put him in an Oxygen room when we got there, but turns out he's breathing fine on his own.
He's receiving an antibiotic through an IV, along with nebulizer treatments. The vet responsible for coordinating his care just called. Said provided it's a "typical case" of aspiration pneumonia, and there's no antibiotic resistant bacteria, he'll be home in 4-5 days.

On the positive side- since it's a hospital they're opened 24/7, they said we can come in and see him whenever we want. Just give them a little notice so they can get a room ready for us.

Trying to keep it together here but it's hard. My heart just breaks for this little guy. Just as he was finally getting settled in, this had to happen.
Oh Ellie.... sending many prayers and positive thoughts to you all. (((HUGS))) Poor Wellie... hope he heals up real quick and is back at home happy and healthy
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this, Ellie! :(

Wellie is in good hands though and will be well taken care of. I know it's so scary and worrisome though. He's in my thoughts and prayers right now! :hug:
Omg! You are in my thoughts! Let us know right away!

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Omg how scary! Sounds like he's in good hands, he's in our prayers :pray:
image.jpgI'm so sorry you're going through this with Wellie. Poor little guy. I hope he gets well quick, and he's back home soon, and back to himself. I'm sending love, hugs and prayers your way and for Wellie to get well.
thank god he's in good hands now, and soon this will all be over. You have great eyes and ears to see something was wrong with Wellie. Those are symptoms that we should aways react to. hope he can find some comfort there for a few days. i hope you can find some comfort in the absence of your Wellie too. I know it must be terribly hard.
edit, i'm going to take lola out for bedtime business and then give her some PB. she vomits a bit into her mouth every night because the raw food digests so fast in her belly, its empty by midnight. maybe a bit of PB will prevent the nightly vomiting and potentially a trip to the ER. :(
Thank you guys. Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.

@aprilemari absolutely- I always give them a snack before bed. You can even save a bit of her dinner to give her before bed. I remember when Blue was on raw, I noticed he had reflux a lot more than he has it now.

But with Wellie, he gags and throws up foam after 15 minutes of play. He doesn't have any stamina because of his breathing. He was scheduled for a neuter, along with soft palate resection/saccules removal and nare widening. Once it gets done, his breathing should be better, and the throwing up foam/food should stop for the most part.
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Oh myyyyyyy...I am so sorry to hear this...sending major thoughts and prayers your way...get well soon precious!
Ellie I am so sorry to be hearing this about poor little Wellie, Hope he gets well soon sending my thoughts and prayers your way.
@BlueberrysMom I am so sorry to hear about Wellie! Will be praying that he will get well very quickly. Prayers for his mom and dad,too.
Just got home and this is 1st post I opened....what a perfectly HORRIBLE day
y'all endured, my heart goes out to y'all, dear Ellie.

Please keep us updated and I'm praying with all here that Wellie recovers asap
and w/ no issues. I think y'all saved his life by being on top of it and taking him
in as quickly...GREAT pawrents! Sending lov, comfort & strength, try to rest!
Thanks guys.

For whatever reason, we thought the prognosis was good. Never thought to ask the vet if there's a chance he won't make it.

Just now though, I looked it up- apparently the prognosis is not good for this diagnosis.

I can't believe this is happening. He was in our care for two weeks and winded up in the hospital with a condition that results in deaths more often than not. I'm shocked right now.
This bullie better pull through!!!

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