

Jun 25, 2013
Florence, KY
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Ruthie(died 11/27/18) Brutus & Hazel
Someone is not happy unless always being up in her mom's business. This is how I'm doing my rescue work, bulldog in lap.

In other news, I got a call today from a rescue about a little boy bullie that might be joining our little family. We have a home visit with him Sunday. I have yet to tell Ruthie. I'm not sure she's gonna take it well cause princess loves all attention all the time. She's very possessive of me and my husband, so it should be interesting.
Ruthie is adorableā€¦ I'm sure she will grow to love her baby brother!!! Got any pics of him?!! ;)
Ruthie is adorableā€¦ I'm sure she will grow to love her baby brother!!! Got any pics of him?!! ;)
This is Buddy. He's from Indiana Bulldog Rescue. I read his profile and thought he would be a great fit for our house. His foster mom said he's a bit submissive, which is good for Ruthie(she likes to be top dog), and that he's a big lover and very healthy.

This is Buddy. He's from Indiana Bulldog Rescue. I read his profile and thought he would be a great fit for our house. His foster mom said he's a bit submissive, which is good for Ruthie(she likes to be top dog), and that he's a big lover and very healthy.

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OMG look at that underbiteā€¦ he's adorable!!! How old is he?!! LOL
Jennie, that is very exciting news! I hope the home visit will be a success and Ruthie will take a liking to Buddy. And from the picture, looks like cutie-pie Ruthie wants to become your personal assistant!
Jennie, that is very exciting news! I hope the home visit will be a success and Ruthie will take a liking to Buddy. And from the picture, looks like cutie-pie Ruthie wants to become your personal assistant!
Thank you! I hope it goes good too. I'm very nervous cause I put in an application for him months ago and I just don't know what it will be like if we do decide to have him join the family. He was rescued by someone else, but came back into rescue and his foster mom called me today. And Ruthie is sitting here growling at me, I guess she wants back up in my lap. She's such a handful LOL.
Yay everyone is getting multiple bullies. It makes me so happy he is going to a great home.
:laugh: Good luck getting the work done.... I have to work around Cheli all the time, Banks is too into herself to care what I am doing. :D
This is Buddy. He's from Indiana Bulldog Rescue. I read his profile and thought he would be a great fit for our house. His foster mom said he's a bit submissive, which is good for Ruthie(she likes to be top dog), and that he's a big lover and very healthy.

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HOW THE HECK DID I MISS THIS PART..... He is precious! I hope it all works out for you, Ruthie and Buddy!
Lol oh Ruthie..... I love her face so much... Hopefully her little dog syndrome wont kick in ;) Good luck!

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Wow!! That's great news, I so hope it works out. He's adorable!
Hi Jennie, Ruthie is trying to help mommy get her work done, they are all so nosey, and always want to be right beside us, funny little bullies. I hope it works out with Buddy and Ruthie, and they grow to love each other. He is very cute.

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