Walter had his first dip today...

What a great little guy.... such a trooper. Mom, on the other hand, will need a Napa Valley weekend when this is all over
Aww..Wally, I'm so glad you did good. Your poor mommy needs a break!
So dare I ask what could be the side effects...I'm not familiar with "the dip"....
So dare I ask what could be the side effects...I'm not familiar with "the dip"....

Side effects listed were vomiting, sedation, disorientation, unsteady gait, decreased gut movement, slow heart rate… and of course the added coma, seizures and death!!! It is used on dogs to control ticks, mites and lice.
Oh my:faint:Hopefully he gets none of those!
walter is getting so so big!!!! such a handsome little boy baby!!!!
Oh wow that's a lot of scary side effects..I would prob be freaking out too..we never did that we just did the ivermectin orally and he had a shot of something that gave him severe diarrhea that we had to go back and get another shot to stop..(that was the end of my upstairs hall rugs) did your vet say why she preferred the dips to ivermectin? Poor guy
Oh wow that's a lot of scary side effects..I would prob be freaking out too..we never did that we just did the ivermectin orally and he had a shot of something that gave him severe diarrhea that we had to go back and get another shot to stop..(that was the end of my upstairs hall rugs) did your vet say why she preferred the dips to ivermectin? Poor guy

From the research that I've done on demodex mange treatments… the dips is the first resort, and then Ivermectin is recommended. Ivermectin has listed some of the same side effects as the dips :( Let's face it… is is ALL bad whether they take it topically or orally. It's meant to kill these DAMN mites…
So Glad Wally's first Dip went well, poor you and can only imagine how much you would have worried. Wally has sure gotten bigger, so sweet laying on his bed. Sure is an adventure reading about Wally ! :D
We are keeping Wally in our thoughts he will be mites free ! -there is no other option xx

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