Vomiting - Raw food

Vanize Andrade

New member
Sep 1, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Piper, Mooney, Lear Panda and Pitts
Hello All,

Piper has some allergies that are getting a little worse. Nothing major. Then I visited a pet nutritionist this week, and she recommended switching her dry food from Blue Wilderness to Now!, which is doesn't have too much protein, that according to her could cause allergies and bowed legs in English bulldogs.

She also recommended that I put Piper on raw food in the AM, and dry in the PM.

So yesterday we started on raw. Primal Chicken. She had 1 pattie in the AM. During the day, she vomited many times.. mostly water. In the PM she ate all her usual PM dry food.. we will start the switch to now! next week.

I called the nutritionist and she said that this could happen.. and recommeded I give her 1/2 pattie at 09:00 AM, an the other half 1 hour later. So I did. But she is still vomiting. Mostly a yellowish water.

The stools were good yesterday and today. And she is pretty active.

Should I continue giving her raw tomorrow morning?

Appreciate all comments.

Below a pic of her yesterday.. I took her to a pet store and she got very excited with all toys!!

photo (1).jpg photo (2).jpg
She is a beauty. I can't say anything about the raw, I do not feed raw, but some people on here do and have good results. We feed our dogs FROMM 4 star, and we have good results. You just have to find a food that agrees with your dog. Sometimes that is easier said than done.
I do not raw feed but I have read posts from others on here that do and they do not transition them because the raw digests at a different rate than the dry food so I isn't good to feed both is the impression I was under.
I do not raw feed but I have read posts from others on here that do and they do not transition them because the raw digests at a different rate than the dry food so I isn't good to feed both is the impression I was under.
I also got told it was not good to feed raw and dry walter has dry royal canine but in the evening he has cooked meat, i did give him a bone once with raw meat on.... oh he was sick and sick.... so no more for my Walter
We have many amazing raw feeders here that can provide good advice for you - I'm not one of them though. I just wanted to say I hope Piper feels better soon. Finding the RIGHT FOOD - regardless of raw/kibble/whatever - is a challenge. I'm going to be very excited when I find my gang's "working food" combo! I can't feed raw. I barely eat meat myself. :barf:
In the beginning, it's not unheard of for them to throw up. Dividing the food as what your vet said is good advice as it allows them to digest more slowly, similar to kibble. Once Piper gets used to the diet, throwing up should be less uncommon. How are her stools? If they're firm and somewhat regular then she should be ok. I'll pm you the url for the rawfeeding yahoo group that's fantastic.

As for the mixing, I've read different things from different veteran rawfeeders. Some say it's not advisable but others say it's perfectly ok and that a lot of owners choose to mix with no problem. I prefer to feed my guys raw exclusively because it's must easier and cheaper, plus they react to most kibble, so it's less trouble.
Thanks all for your posts. She ate her kibble 3 hours ago and she didn't vomit the kibble.. I think I'll give one last try on Tuesday morning. Thanks for the forum links.

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