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Feb 10, 2012
Bradford Pennsylvania
Bulldog(s) Names
Sarge and LuLu
How many of you are taking your Bullies on vacation with you We really don" go far once a year we go back to Pennsylvania to visit it"s a good 7 hr. drive but Gunny loves it. he sleeps most of the way, we have a van and take the middle seats out so he has plenty of room. in North Carolina we live close to the ocean and we take Gunny there for an hour or so. He likes to chace the waves out but when they start comming back he runs for high land!! when he gets some satlt water in his mouth he shakes his heat and kinda spits but he has a good time thats all that matters . :D
[MENTION=4277]gunnyboy[/MENTION] I love hearing his stories he is just like a little kid lol Running from the waves :lol: I could just picture it...We have wanted to go on a vacation this summer with both of ours but the hotels that let dogs stay there do not allow pitbulls no matter how trained,behaved,size...I would never bring here anywhere if I thought for 1 second she would be a problem...I think its ridicloous all other breeds we are having touble figuring out a family vacation! WHere abouts in PA do you guys visit?? We used to have a home in Arrowhead Lake I dont remember what town but it was a community I think outside Stroudsburg but dont quote me lol
We went to a 1 bedroom pet friendly cottage resort with Stiggy last year and hopefully we'll go again this year, this time with the 2 boys. He didn't enjoy the water much though, I think not being able to feel the ground scurred him a little. :eek: Would really love to take them to the ocean, but the closest one is the eastcoast which in about 20 hours away from us. Maybe we'll try next year.

Here's the little poser himself:

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We went to a 1 bedroom pet friendly cottage resort with Stiggy last year and hopefully we'll go again with year, this time with the 2 boys. He didn't enjoy the water much though, I think not being able to feel the ground scurred him a little. :eek: Would really love to take them to the ocean, but the closest one is the eastcoast which in about 20 hours away from us. Maybe we'll try next year.

Here's the little poser himself:


THis is a great picture!!! I love the lifejacket ... We got one for Brutus and he didnt like it so he chewed it up! LOL
um hello!!!! You haven't got a video of gunny running for his life from the waves..... I so want to see this! Get on it! :)
Lol no I don"t but I will this summer, ChanelnBrutus we lived in nw Pa a small town called Bradford, It"s where they make Zippo lighters and Case Knifes I worked a Case for 31 yrs then my son went into the Marine Corp and we followed him. I like it here in NC but miss the hills of pennsylvania.
We do at least 2 trips a year out to Chicago.. drive and our babies go with us,
Meatball loves road trips. Anytime we take him for a walk he tries to take us by the cars where he will sit and give sad face because he wants car ride. Heading over seas this year so he is going to have to stay with a sitter for a coupld of weeks which I am sad about.
We did a 7 hour trip to Kansas to go see my hubbies sister and family and we took yeah he stunk the truck up the whole way!!!!!! :barf:
Sad but true ... we don't really go on vacation because we have eight dogs and I need to feel ok leaving them.

I would just love to rent a RV and set off to tour as much of the States as I could in 10 days. My daughter wouldn't want to come with us so we could leave her home with most of the dogs and maybe take the bullys with us. I'd feel safer having them with me in a RV than I would just driving in a car from one hotel to the other. Plus, I've already told the hubby that we would have to eat drive through ALL the time if we went in the car because there is no way I would let them be out of my sight!! In the RV I could cook meals for us right there!

However, so far the hubby has vetoed the RV idea ....... but I haven't given up hope yet!! :yes:
We did a 7 hour trip to Kansas to go see my hubbies sister and family and we took yeah he stunk the truck up the whole way!!!!!! :barf:

Where at in Kansas?? From Topeka!!

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