Help Needed! Update Fergus has Pneumonia

Hi Everyone.

First I want to say thank you! thank you! thank you :thanks: especially @pdolphin27, @Scueva, @sheshistory, @Davidh, @desertskybulldogs, @Vikinggirl, @Sherry. As soon as I read your posts on my other thread I got Fergus in the car and went to the vet. The vet took a chest xray and there was fluid in his lungs with a compromised trachea. He said if I had waited till tomorrow his pneumonia would have been a lot worse :*( because I got him in when I did he should be good as new once they clear his lungs. He is staying overnight at the vet hospital hopefully if everything goes well he will be home tomorrow. Please say a prayer for Fergus he looked so sad when I left him there :cry:.

I had a mini breakdown when I was there and felt like I failed as a bully mama. I might have waited like I originally planned until tomorrow while my baby was getting sicker thinking I could treat him like my other dog who hasnt had any serious health issues in 6 yrs.

To every bullie owner Kennel Cough is nothing to mess with. Fergus just started coughing last night and today he has pneumonia. Take them to the vet as soon as they start coughing.

Thank you again

Omg! I totally missed this! I hope he is feeling better soon! Keep us posted we are praying for him Loki sends lots of kisses to his twin :)
Difficult to do without him but good on your Vet for being cautious (and caring).

It is more dangerous that people understand (for humans too) and especially for

Ashley, no kidding, you did an excellent job, Fergus is lucky to have YOU as Mom.

He'll be overjoyed when he comes home and feeling so much better...GOD bless!
Thank everyone! I am counting the hours until I pick him up :) and hug his fuzzy butt lol.
Ashley you are a great mum dont be hard on yourself x
Im sorry but somehow i miss the thread -i wish your babies a speedy recovery xxxx
Yay he got released today from the vet and is at work with me :luv: He is tired but playful. Hopefully he is a good boy today since he is really not supposed to be here lol. Here are some pictures Fergus.jpgfurry .jpg
Yay he got released today from the vet and is at work with me :luv: He is tired but playful. Hopefully he is a good boy today since he is really not supposed to be here lol. Here are some pictures View attachment 53448View attachment 53449


What is his prognosis? Is he going to have to go back in for a follow up? Is he on anything now?

Poor fella...I'm glad he's back home with his momma. I am sure he is too! :)

What is his prognosis? Is he going to have to go back in for a follow up? Is he on anything now?

Poor fella...I'm glad he's back home with his momma. I am sure he is too! :)

When I went in to pick up Fergus the vet gave me a hug and said Fergus was going to be fine. He told me to run the shower and let him breath the steam for 10 mins 3 times a day. The list of meds are Amoxicillen 2X a day, Baytril 1X a day, Temaril 2 tablets 2X a day, and cough tablets every 8 hrs, also a nose and eye drop neo/polymycin 1 drop 2X a day. I have to take him in for a follow up appointment in 7 days.

He officially has more meds then me and my husband combined.. All I can say is thank god for pet insurance.
Poor little guy--and you! There's no way you failed as a bully mama! You were awesome in getting him help as soon as possible. Hugs and smooches to you and Fergus! :heart:
When I went in to pick up Fergus the vet gave me a hug and said Fergus was going to be fine. He told me to run the shower and let him breath the steam for 10 mins 3 times a day. The list of meds are Amoxicillen 2X a day, Baytril 1X a day, Temaril 2 tablets 2X a day, and cough tablets every 8 hrs, also a nose and eye drop neo/polymycin 1 drop 2X a day. I have to take him in for a follow up appointment in 7 days.

He officially has more meds then me and my husband combined.. All I can say is thank god for pet insurance.

Yes!!! Comes in handy right around now!! :yes: Good to hear he's going to be all good.
Thank you everyone for all the prayers and support. My baby might have been so much worse if it wasnt for the members here who cared enough to voice their thoughts and opinions to help each other.:angelheart:
​Checking in on wonderful to find he's home with Momma!
Ashley, I'm so happy to hear that Fergus is on the road to recovery!! Please give him a big hug and a kiss from the boys and me. :angelheart:

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