Time to get healthy...


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Sep 17, 2010
Windsor Ontario Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Silva and Stella
My husband and I have joined a gym yesterday! It was our Valentine's Day gift to eachother! We used to work out every day and eat right but since we moved last April we are not active and have been eating horrible! I did my assessment today and it was awful! I cant believe how out of shape I have become! Well we start tomorrow so wish me luck I dont pass out or fall over in exhaustion. I am looking forward to feeling better, having more energy and of course looking better! :up:
Good luck!!! It always feels so good to get healthy again!
Good to hear! The only excercise I get these days is chasing dogs and kids, and LOADS of fingertip typing kind! lol
Didn't you just get out of the hospital a few days ago? Don't overdo in your exuberance especially with your resistance down. Take it slow!
Go Lacey and hubby! You are so cute already but I know its about how you feel so I hope this makes you feel better! I can never get the motivation to exercise regularly, I hate exercising! (which is why having a dog that needs very little exercise works so well for me LOL ;) ) I was raised by a nutritionist and will eat anything so I have NO problem making healthy food choices when I want but the exercise part never works out for me LOL
Good luck with your goals, I too as with my wife am wanting to join a gym but she wont until she gets in better shape but i feel that we need to because its now or never. Hopefully ill decide where to join today and get it started. not so much for the looking good because we all look good no matter what hehehe but more for the health aspects of it.
good for you guys! we have nice equipment in our home that collects dust until recently i DID dust off some of it to use. our family is working to eat healthier and have already seen/felt some great changes. it's seriously a work.in.progress though. :whew:
Yay!!! :up:

As a Personal Trainer, and group fitness instructor I applaud you and the hubby! :bravo:
You go girl! I started "Turbo Kick" classes last week or "kick my butt" class as I am calling them now, and go twice a week and OMG I am so out of shape. I have not worked out since before Mackenzie was born and she is 5. Of course, Mackenzie asked why i was going to "exercise" class as she calls it (ha) and I said "I want to look good in my bathing suit" she says "you always look good mommy"....aweee.....so sweet and obviously wants something :yes:
Good luck!! I need to do something. Since
I left the military I never exercise anymore.
Let me know if anybody wants free advice!
Thank you everyone! We have been going for a week and I feel much better but very sore muscles!
[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] I dont need advice as much as you to just come over here and force me to work out. haha. Good for you and hubby [MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION], getting on to the routine is the hardest part for me. I used to work out all the time and was SO in shape, back in my younger days that is. I am a creature of habit and it is so hard to get the habit back to work out again. I lost 25 pounds since having Paige so I am inspired to get exercising again. Now to just do it right? haha

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