thoughts about the 'ball inside of ball' type toys


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Aug 27, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
on one hand i love that they are a toy that Hank plays with alone!! (whew!) but on the other, sometimes i think it's mean and could be frustrating to them which seems unfair. Whats any ones thoughts. Any bulldog psykes out there???
I am not a bulldog expert-but I play one at home! To me, it all depends on the dog him/her self. Some dogs you can see just enjoying the play, and some you can actually see them getting frustrated! If your Hank seems totally frustrated by this ball, then I wouldn't let him have it. Knowing your own dog, I am sure you could see his demeaner....
tks [MENTION=8741]Manydogs[/MENTION] ;) I think i see 'him' LOVING it,, i 'think' im the frustrated on lol But, on this one jolly ball, i see him reach in and touching the inside ball and he seems like thats enough and he has great fun but for me, i just think it's nuts sometimes. So thanks, i'll watch for 'his' frustration, not mine :eek:
Chunky plays with all kinds of toys by himself and he lets me know when he wants me to play by hitting me in the leg with the toy
Chunky plays with all kinds of toys by himself and he lets me know when he wants me to play by hitting me in the leg with the toy

yea, he still smashes this into me as well, but at least he runs in and outdoors with it which is nice.. Most are slobery things that he really wants interaction with . they're so cute,,,,,,,,, and can be so annoying :ashamed: did i say that!!! ?????????
yea, he still smashes this into me as well, but at least he runs in and outdoors with it which is nice.. Most are slobery things that he really wants interaction with . they're so cute,,,,,,,,, and can be so annoying :ashamed: did i say that!!! ?????????

Chunky likes playing tug with his blanket and a few other cloth type toys and I always pay attention to what part I grab so that I don't get slimed
We have a football shaped ball that has a tennis ball inside. Louie loves it, Jax does not. But I agree, if they seem to be having fun then it’s fine.

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Last week I got the pups a hard...yes HARD shape football and took 2 hrs for Nyala to destroyed it.. in the garbage it went. 2 days ago another solid gray toy. Even called STRONG and bullet proof. Pffffffff garbage it went also cant find that missing section. Got a nerd ball n tennis ball inside in the spring. That's still intact. The only toys so far that works is kong n chuck it balls. Today tbe cousins were over and one of the pitties all rescued....this one is obsessed with toys. She'll go steal it from the others, bring it to you so you can throw it n repeat. She is so obsessed about toys it's become an issue. We have to remove her from toys n give her time out. She lays there so stressed and want to go grab a toy so the others cant touch. Harder to cure rescues. You just dont have the full story.
I am not a bulldog expert-but I play one at home! To me, it all depends on the dog him/her self. Some dogs you can see just enjoying the play, and some you can actually see them getting frustrated! If your Hank seems totally frustrated by this ball, then I wouldn't let him have it. Knowing your own dog, I am sure you could see his demeaner....

Agree! I have the Jolly ball like this..... Cheli and Lambeau have absolutely no interest... Banks was obsessed with it and as soon as I noticed her frustration building and it not being fun... I would remove and replace with something she enjoyed.

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