Scavenger Hunt - 4th Anniversary Celebration!

i've read them.. i found clue 13.. it's the clue itself that I'm lost with. i went to where i thought was "obvious" but can't find 14.
@Bella'sMom did you find it?
@Libra926 I followed Clue 13 to exactly where it says to "go". Anyway, I checked everything there and nothing's coming up for me. Thought I missed something so went over it a few times. No clue there.

If you follow Clue #13 correctly, the next clue is there...I just checked :)

Do you think that a Birthday or Anniversary is similar to a holiday?
I know I bombarded you Cyndi...apologies for that. Hopefully the last one is really the last one! Lol
If you follow Clue #13 correctly, the next clue is there...I just checked :)

Do you think that a Birthday or Anniversary is similar to a holiday?

I needed it spelled out for me cause you know, that was the one place there i DIDN'T check.. doh.
I new exactly where to find clue 15! LOL.. (have it bookmarked..)
I know I bombarded you Cyndi...apologies for that. Hopefully the last one is really the last one! Lol

No apologies necessary :) Just difficult to sort through them all with numerous messages coming from so many members. Just took a little while to make sure that I name the correct winner.

I needed it spelled out for me cause you know, that was the one place there i DIDN'T check.. doh.

Of course it was :) Isn't it always the last place we would think to look?

I new exactly where to find clue 15! LOL.. (have it bookmarked..)

You go girl! You are on the home stretch now.....your are almost at the finish line!
LOL, I can't figure out Clue #1 , haven't seen Clue #2 , saw Clue #3 the other day, and just found Clue #4 . Guess I have a long way to go. :laugh:

Have you ever watched the Wizard of Oz? What does Dorothy say when she clicks her heels 3 times?
I think I found all of them. Waiting to hear if I am correct. This was a blast

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