Rocco's Surgery is Tomorrow

Been praying for Rocco sending hugs and love yalls way!

sent from my Droid RAZR with love!
Jack hmmm? Not a bad idea. I am off tomorrow so technically it is Friday for me...

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Did any of you try the Winter Jack?? It is whiskey cider. My hubby got it as a christmas gift the other night. Delish!! I did two shots before dinner!!! Woot Woot it was a fun night at the O'Toole dinner table that night!
Did any of you try the Winter Jack?? It is whiskey cider. My hubby got it as a christmas gift the other night. Delish!! I did two shots before dinner!!! Woot Woot it was a fun night at the O'Toole dinner table that night!

We warmed it when I tried it. It was good but I love the honey one to sip on straight up

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Stay strong Matt. Me and Brutus are thinking of you guys and sending hugs your way. Let us know the minute you hear how he did.
Well I just picked Rocco up. Everything went very well. He is eating and drinking normally. Just gotta keep him comfy and rest tonight. I took the cone off as soon as we got home because he was having trouble walking with it and they said he hadn't tried all day to go after his stitches.


Thanks again for all the support! You guys are the best! :-)

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Had a great feeling about this, Matt. So relieved & thrilled...thank you
for informing us. Now, go home, take care of your baby & rest!

I have to say, Rocco looks ADORABLE!
Rocco still looks adorable :) June had the same face after her surgery. She hasn't had to wear her cone either. She had it on when we picked her up but we took it off in the car and she relaxed a lot. Tomorrow morning he won't know what hit him!

He's already acting as if nothing happened! I'm so relieved!

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I'm so relieved to hear he is home and acting normal. Give him lots of hugs and kisses.
I'm so glad to hear it Matt… I hope you guys have a great weekend!!! ;) Hugs & kisses from me & Winston!!!
Glad everything went well for Rocco ;-))
Thank you again everyone!

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Happy to hear that Rocco is okay! I just knew he would be. I'm thinking that NOW you are okay, also! Also guessing that you are worn out from worrying! Relax and have a beer. The boy is home safe!

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