Other Remi's new obedience trainer


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
Community Veteran
Oct 5, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Sir Remington (Remi)
So today our new obedience trainer came over for 2 hours to address some of our issues with Remi. It wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm overall happy with the progress.

We're really going backwards to go forwards. Issues: Remi can be high strung and anxious when meeting meeting, animals, kids, etc. Inside and outside the home. He also has dominance issues.

Leslie, our trainer, suspects that Remi is the product of a backyard breeder and wasn't very well socialized as a puppy. *faints*

Long story short, we really went back to the basics and started using a clicker. She was impressed with what Remi did know, and she really helped us with the one command we were struggling with, to lay down. Also how to distract him from triggers, which cause him to be pretty stressed. We need to keep him away from the triggers for now and establish the every day "calm".

We will probably schedule a few follow ups when money allows, but so far we have a lot to work on!

What I loved about her is that when I asked her what kind of limitations I should expect when training a bulldog, her reply was "None. Bulldogs are actually very clever."

How has your experiences been with training?
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It sounds like you had a pretty positive experience w/your new trainer. That's great!

I've gone thru Pet Smart basic obedience thru intermediate for the boys, and also had a private trainer do a home assessment as well as 6wks of one on one at her center. Overall, very helpful, I'd say. The important part of training is to be consistent and to practice regularly (something i'm guilty of not always doing). It is amazing what our bullies are able to learn and retain w/the proper training, guidance, and encouragement, isn't it? My main thing w/the boys is their walks and the "heel" command. Still a learning process!
Great news.... it is the biggest hurrdle finding a trainer that has the right knowledge and skill set you need. Best of luck and PLEASE keep us posted on how you are making out.

I was/am VERY lucky so far .... Nitshcke was VERY easy to train as all he wanted to do was please and be with you. Cheli is VERY food modivated and but also very smart so he knows how to 'ignore' very well. Banks, well, she will do ANYTHING for food, but she is also VERY dominate and it took us two full years to get her triggers identified and able to have her respond to us, now she is great as long as we keep her on schedule and in line.

Yay! so happy that you found a good trainer. We are still in the CGC class with a trainer that is lacking some skills in my opinion. Paid hundreds for our two to be in the class and so far really learned nothing. :perturbed:
Awesome to hear it went well! I like her already!

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So good to hear you found one you are happy with, good luck with the training.
Awwww, how much you love your Remi...I know he's quite a handful but also
know your 'dream bully' is in there somewhere and with your help WILL emerge!

It's wonderful your trainer understands bullies ARE smart...Yea!!!

Keeping y'all in my thoughts & prayers...Carol & Brutus
So today our new obedience trainer came over for 2 hours to address some of our issues with Remi. It wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm overall happy with the progress.

We're really going backwards to go forwards. Issues: Remi can be high strung and anxious when meeting meeting, animals, kids, etc. Inside and outside the home. He also has dominance issues.

Leslie, our trainer, suspects that Remi is the product of a backyard breeder and wasn't very well socialized as a puppy. *faints*

Long story short, we really went back to the basics and started using a clicker. She was impressed with what Remi did know, and she really helped us with the one command we were struggling with, to lay down. Also how to distract him from triggers, which cause him to be pretty stressed. We need to keep him away from the triggers for now and establish the every day "calm".

We will probably schedule a few follow ups when money allows, but so far we have a lot to work on!

What I loved about her is that when I asked her what kind of limitations I should expect when training a bulldog, her reply was "None. Bulldogs are actually very clever."

How has your experiences been with training?

Who is your trainer? I'm located in Delaware too.
I worked with Miss Tallulah and the exact same type of trainer. We did clicker training at first. When Miss T understands what I want I don't use the clicker until I need to begin a new behaviour. It makes for a positive bonding experience and the rewards of a content and relaxed Bully are so worth it. Miss T was pretty anxious and clicker training combined with positive reinforcement has been wonderful. As I have said in many posts, she is calm, loving and eager to please. We are now enrolled in Mind Games which will involve intense clicker training for complex behaviours for March. She loves to be challenged. The "limitations" are really about management and distraction to avoid/ prevent unwanted behaviour without resorting to punishment or harsh discipline. Bullies and harsh discipline are a recipe for potential problems. The philosophy is that you want your dog's respect and to bond with each other with trust. Not to have our Bullies behave out of fear of reprisal. Bullies ARE smart. I am so very happy for you and Remi!!!! You will see results very quickly if you remain consistent and do a little a few times each day. Make it fun, keep your sessions short, don't get discouraged when things don't work right away and always end on a positive note with a desired behaviour and a reward. Keep us posted. This is going to be exciting!
Thanks for all the feedback! I'm totally in love with his behavior right now. It's getting to the point where he just lies down at my feet because he knows that's what I want. It's crazy how smart these dogs are.
I am so happy for you and Remi. Positive training to show a Bully what you want is just the most rewarding. Your bond is just going to deepen. They respond so well to this type of training. All I need to do now is look at Miss T and she knows what I want - well....most of the time anyway....:D
I haven't gone to a professional trainer for any of my dogs. We've always just "winged it". My husband has this natural thing about him that dogs respond to. He is having a bit of trouble with Angus because Angus gets really scared of him. He is some super omega dog that the first week we had him, when the doorbell rang, all the dogs run barking to the door while Angus runs with tail tucked to the far corner... And the first time he ate on his stainless steel bowl, his dog tags hit the bowl and made a clanging noise which caused him to turn tail and run to the corner and he didn't eat for a few days! So, Angus would cower and hide when my husband gives him a command... it worked okay though because then he listens to me very good. He responds to my hand signals perfectly! Bullie is more stubborn.

But, yeah, Congratulations on finding the perfect trainer! They can be really hard to find that it's such a blessing to have one that works very well with your babies.
I worked with Miss Tallulah and the exact same type of trainer. We did clicker training at first. When Miss T understands what I want I don't use the clicker until I need to begin a new behaviour. It makes for a positive bonding experience and the rewards of a content and relaxed Bully are so worth it. Miss T was pretty anxious and clicker training combined with positive reinforcement has been wonderful. As I have said in many posts, she is calm, loving and eager to please. We are now enrolled in Mind Games which will involve intense clicker training for complex behaviours for March. She loves to be challenged. The "limitations" are really about management and distraction to avoid/ prevent unwanted behaviour without resorting to punishment or harsh discipline. Bullies and harsh discipline are a recipe for potential problems. The philosophy is that you want your dog's respect and to bond with each other with trust. Not to have our Bullies behave out of fear of reprisal. Bullies ARE smart. I am so very happy for you and Remi!!!! You will see results very quickly if you remain consistent and do a little a few times each day. Make it fun, keep your sessions short, don't get discouraged when things don't work right away and always end on a positive note with a desired behaviour and a reward. Keep us posted. This is going to be exciting!

I love what you are doing with Miss T. Dublin is great and as we have had her since a puppy we have worked hard with her though nothing like you are doing. We realized how "good" she really is when we welcomed our rescue "Tio" into our house. Poor guy was never socialized properly or trained just terrible abuse but desipte that he is the most loving bullie you could ever want to meet. We have so much to do with him but my biggest fear is that we traumatize him with the wrong training. We are working slowly with him and patience is the strongest suit we have right now. He is just a little over two like Dublin and it is like night and day with where they are in their mental and emotional growth. What he lacks in social graces he makes up for in buckets with his loving personality..

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