Red bump on paw


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Jan 27, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1342316132.413914.jpgMy pup has had this red bump on his paw for awhile. I am taking him to get fixed next week and I was going to have the vet look at him then. I came home today and it is HUGE now. Any ideas of what it is?
Pan gets them from time to time. Some are worse than others. We took him to the vet and were told it could be an allergic reaction best case, or worse case it could be lupus. We are on the wait and see track. We switched his food and keep his paws clean and dry and we haven't seen them since.

I would suggest at minimum getting some medicated wash to clean his feet until you can get in to see the vet.

When Pan had his first outbreak I called and made an appointment for the following Monday, it was the longest weekend ever. By the time we got in he was in so much pain that he didn't even want to walk. Two days on the steroid and he was super dog running around the yard doing his crazy bulldog run.

Good luck and keep us updated.
It does not seem to be bothering him, but I will let you know
Looks like an interdigital cyst , type that into the search box and you can do some heavy reading :up:

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Yep, looks like an interdigital cyst. Usually you will notice your pup licking the paw and that's a dead give away that there is a cyst starting up. Keep paws clean and soak in water with Epsom Salts and then dry thoroughly and use some antispetic spray preferably from the vets office but if not you can use a drying agent like Witch Hazel or something called Malacetic Utra (buy on internet) that's good to have around in case. I usually can stop them from becoming more infected if I do this 2-3 times a day. If they get too large you may have to go to the vet and get an antibiotic and the antiseptic spray I mentioned. Don't let them talk you into any kind of surgery. My dogs get these once a year and if you catch them small you can stop it from getting bigger. Keeping paws clean and dry is the best preventative.
yes its an interdigital cyst. sarah got hers from allergies to her food. since i had her allergy tested and put her on a food she is not allergic to she is fine. my vet did a scrape and said they are bacterial so an anti bacterial should help. hibiclenz can be gotten at the drug store. malaket wipes malacetic ultra all will work to. heck i even poured peroxide on them one time lol. if they get to big yes an antibiotic will be needed but that looks pretty small right now. i did sarahs twice a day in the am and pm.
yeppers Gunny had interdigital cyst and that is what it looks like....he would get them so bad he would lick them til they popped and bleed....we tried everything and the only thing that would work was is easy on their stomach and it worked really good with no side effects...other people will say soak them...put salves...other antibiotics...but nothing worked but the clindimycin (sp)...sometimes it takes them away for good but in some dogs it comes back after the clindimycin wears off....

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