Question about Citrus Fruit treats?


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I do give Vegas apples, bananas, blueberries different fruits and veggies, but I have never given him anything citrus, I have a HUGE sweet ruby-red Grapefruit tree in my back yard that has about a 1,000 grapefruits on it just about ready. Do you or Can you give your bully's citrus fruits??
I never have I was afraid it would be to acidic for him but just wondering???
I know in small quantities, like maybe a slice or two a day?? I won't til I know better, Thank You.
Good question, I have given Silva oranges before but never grapefruit! I am looking forward to see what the other members think! :D
I have also given oranges not grapefruit. Cutty used to lik to play and chew on lemons when we first moved in and he found our lemon tree. Never had any adverse effects but I wouldnt give too much at a time, a few slices here here and there is all to test.
i have never given any... i would try a little at first and see what happens
Bertie likes the ruby red grapefruit. I only give her one little section of it when I eat one for breakfast. My cocker spaniel Dexter won't touch it...but he will eat a regular grapefruit section. Go figure! I wouldn't give your baby more than one section. I only let Bertie have it about twice a month....and only one small section.

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