Pricing on pharmaceutical supplements and Rx's for Bulldog friends!


New member
Jan 17, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Tootsie and Teddy
Libra told me about a supplement she was using and wondered our price on it, and I think we can help alot of you out! Her pharmacy seems to really be marking up their compounds. We do and have done vet compounding for a long time, and under sterile guidlelines, and use only pharmaceutical grade FDA approved, and all natural when we can. We have or can make just about anything, meds do need vet RX, but we have an 800 number and you can talk to my husband personally about anything you need to ask a question about, or if you'd like several things compounded together, etc, flavor.....some of the commercial products, esp. for things like arthritis don't have enough mg's do to much good, and need to be a certain molecular weight, etc to have good absorption in the gut. I thought if you all wanted to email me so I can pass it on to him in Texas at the pharmacy on Monday, he's still doing some checking for Libra, and could check while he's at it, for anything else someone else might need, like or want. I think we can beat and or make a superior custom blend of supps etc., and save our bulldog friends some money. Gosh darn we need too, they are as costly as our horses and Jill e-mail me where I can forward on......
[email protected] Ya'll have helped us with this food issue, which does seem like "rocket science", so we'd like to help in return!
well thats so nice. i dont need anything like that at this time but if i did i know who to contact. thank you
That is so wonderfully nice of you to do this..Bullies are expensive..Thanks so much
that is so very kind. I don't need anything at this time, but you made a very nice offer to everyone. God Bless you
We spent wayyyy to much $$ ourselves when we got into the horse business, and that's why we decided to re-educate ourselves and save for our own herd, and then realized how much mark-up there was, and not all was as it was claimed to be. It's very rewarding to do this for our pets, and much more fun than counting pills for people all day and hearing about their "gas" lol We can custom blend, flavor and at times combine supplements and meds. We can do it for our canines, and felines, for less than most sources or pharmacies because the quantities we have to purchase from our top sources because of the amount we need for equine mg's and amounts. I nearly went broke on catalogs and online sources when we got into the horse breeding business! We have all natural hormones for doggies (I may need more hormones myself if this food change doesn't work with Fromms!..) Anyway, its awesome to see our custom supplements like "Smooth Moves" turn our older mares that sound like an ad for Rice Krispies...SNAP CRACKLE 30 dys be running amok in the pastures...NOW, Smooth Moves didn't sound like a good name for our bulldogs with their "issues" so its called Joint while looking up a medication for another member here, we bumped into a "remedy" for canine husband was there after hours today mixing up that we have a new one that replaces benadryl which I've said for a long time, doesn't really "cure" anything, and makes them drowsy and we are excited about that too. Who wants to name the anti-gas product....LOL that should distract us for a minute or so! I think I'll start a new thread for fav supplements, what's in them, how many $$, and ditto on meds, and delivery issues, and multiple doses being combined, and we can try to improve and make great new reciepe's for the bulldogs! Flavor meds for taking....the possibilities are

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