Possible Knee Tear!

I'm happy he didn't tear anything, that's really good news!! I'm sorry to hear about the hip but it sounds like you have a really good doctor that knows what he's doing.

I love that first pic, he is just such a cute little man!!

I've always been impressed by this vet Phil. I'm lucky. Dudley is my little love bunny!
well I'm glad it's nothing serious with the knee and maybe this was good so you could get on top of the hip before it got really bad. I hope the big guy is resting and feeling better.
Checking back in on Dudley, thank you for the updates and hope YOU
are resting now (seeing as Dudley immediately went nite nite). Will
research and report back as I too, like giving coconut oil. Much love!
Glad his knee is ok and glad to hear he's not in pain! And sounds like you have a great vet that doesn't want to push surgery when it's not needed. Best of luck trying to rest him for 10 days :w00t:
Oh I'm so glad to hear that Dudley's knee is okay, but I'm sorry about the hips!!! Your are lucky to have such a great vet, and hopefully he will feel better soon!!! Hugs & kisses to you guys… :drawheart:
YAY NO surgery right now!! Hopefully it won't be needed. Give Dudley hugs and loves from Sheldon and myself.
I am just catching up from being away.... so glad it all turned out OK, for now.

love these pictures!


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