Poor Buddy Boy


Head Pooper Scooper
Staff member
Mar 21, 2011
Katy, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
BeBe, Hazel, Lucy Lu, JLO, Hillary, Henri, & Katie
Yesterday Buddy and my Beagle Missy were playing outside and collided.:cursing: Well who do you think got hurt, that's right, Buddy boy, the 55 lb bully. Like a Mini Cooper and a Mack Truck, but the Mini Cooper won. Missy shook it off and Buddy came away limping on his right front leg. Took him to the vet and he said probably just a soft tissue injury and gave him some muscle relaxer and he is on bed rest for several days. Poor Buddy Boy, I guess he'll think twice about messing with the little Beagle. haha
Isn't that the truth.
aww poor Buddy, but on a bright note Ill stick with the happy thought that my Mini is the safest choice on the road :)
O no im sure he will recover wuickly. we have lots of time out between lex and Bo cause they get to playin so ruff that lex will strain something :/
Poor Bully Boy, hope he's feeling better very soon! How's his ego though after being knocked over by a mini cooper? :D
Poor little big dude. So I'm guessing Missy's the alpha? :tease: I'm sure they'll both be back wrestling each other in no time.
Poor guy! It was probably more embarrassing than anything lol.
He just had that look on his face like I can't believe that. Looked at her then looked at me and came limping over as to say Daddy do something. I told him that's what he gets for trying to run over the Beagle.
Poor Buddy boy. Hope he's feeling better real soon.
Awwww...poor baby. My heart breaks for him. I would of applied lots of kiss medicine.:)

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Feel better ASAP Buddy Boy!!! Poor thing!

PS - The thing that makes me laugh about the comparison to a Mack Truck and a Mini Cooper ... the bulldog is the "mascot" of both!!! :)
Thanks for all the well wishes, i hope for a fast recovery also. I will give him a big bully hug from all of you. I know about the Mack trucks mascot but did not know about the Mini Cooper and my wife owned one a few years back, too funny.
Thanks for all the well wishes, i hope for a fast recovery also. I will give him a big bully hug from all of you. I know about the Mack trucks mascot but did not know about the Mini Cooper and my wife owned one a few years back, too funny.

I thought so too! My parents were buying one a few months back and I negotiated one of these guys into the deal ...


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