Help Needed! Opinion on Fromm...


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Jul 10, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Miss Charlotte Elizabeth
Hi guys...
l've been back and forth about what I want to do about switching foods. Charlotte has been on Fromm 4-star nutritionals and she was doing pretty good on the Duck and Pork varieties. I decided to purchase the salmon this time, and she's not doing so well (licking paws more often, more eye-gook than normal, red eyes, etc) so I obviously need to switch.

Ive been toying with the idea of going to the grain-free variety, because it seems many of you have had great success with that kind. However, I also know from experience that she does well on the pork and I guess my question is what would you do? Go back to pork or duck knowing that she can eat that and have mild/almost no allergies, or go out on a limb and try the grain free version and see if that is an even better choice?

Also: if you switch from Fromm 4-star nutritionals to the grain-free 4-star nutritionals, do you need to do a slow gradual switch?

Note: my pet store is FANTASTIC and they will take back an open bag, even a half full bag, if she doesn't like it or doesn't do well on it.

again, thanks so much for the advice :)
HRH does well on Beef Frittata but didn't do so well on surf and turf. We determined salmon is an issue for her. Perhaps that's Charlottes issue too?
That's what I'm thinking, but I just can't decide to go with the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" theory and go back to pork, or risk it and go for the grain-free to see if that's a better choice overall
Yes..Jake was on Surf n Turf..but I didn't feel it was the "right" I switched him to Beef Fritatta..He did much better on that. I did figure out Surf n Turf has chicken in it and Jake doesn't do well with chicken. After awhile I felt he wasn't doing that well on the Beef Fritatta so I trie NVI Salmon! :eek: Had an immediate feet and lots of licking after just 2 days. Went back to Beef Fritatta and let him settle down. Eventually we switched to another food, but these guys are all so different. I hope you can narrow it down.
:butterfly: franklin doesn't do well on salmon either he gets really bad tear stains an he licks his feet a lot I just switched him to the beef frittata this is the first day that it was just beef frittata so ill let you know how it goes
I say if it ain't broke don't fix it. Nothing wrong with maybe trying a small bag to test variety. If you go from reg to grain free I would do a quick transition to be safe.
ok here is what i would do. since the salmon is not agreeing i would go back to one of the pork or duck 4 stars to get him calmed down with the allergies. then later on you can get a small bag of the game bird grain free one which is duck and try it to see how it goes. id try to stick with a protein that you know works like the duck for now. all of the 4 stars are great food so using one of the non grain free ones is just fine. good luck.
I feed Beef Frittatta and if switching to grain free I would do a slow switch just to be sure. Hope all goes well

I also had our pitbull Chanel on Beef Frittata but she is getting so picky we just switched her to Blue Buffalo but want to find a better food in the meanitime!
We just switched from Fromm puppy gold (grains) to Acana Pacifica and I've seen great results. I would try grain free and maybe stay away from a fish based food. Acana has "Ranchlands" which is beef, bison and lamb based, maybe that one would work out for Charlotte. Tuni seems to really love the new food and her coat is like silk! Good luck :)
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We've had a full week of beef frittata and I'm not sure about it. I know it takes longer than a week to notice results, but she's developed this habit of constantly licking the air or her paws for hours. Is this a sign of food issues, or just coincidence? Thoughts?
We've had a full week of beef frittata and I'm not sure about it. I know it takes longer than a week to notice results, but she's developed this habit of constantly licking the air or her paws for hours. Is this a sign of food issues, or just coincidence? Thoughts?

seems like something is not sitting well with her.... I would go back to the protein source that works. I think it was duck, right? maybe go to the Fromm Game Bird which is also grain free
We've had a full week of beef frittata and I'm not sure about it. I know it takes longer than a week to notice results, but she's developed this habit of constantly licking the air or her paws for hours. Is this a sign of food issues, or just coincidence? Thoughts?

Hmmmm... Sounds like something is not meshing well. Hopefully she does not have yeasty paws. It could be coincidence but Christines suggestion is a good one, maybe try game bird. You can also use both without doing a slow switch.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk :)
i think you're right, we're going to switch back. I feel so bad for putting her through all this- could have just stuck with the beginning flavor and we wouldn't have had any issues!

Oh well, live and learn I guess

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