Ok, Question....

Wow, my 3 are apparently angels... but I knew that already:tongue: Bennie liked to chew zippers and corners on pillows when he was a puppy but other than that they have been so good. It might also help that I have OCD and can't leave anything where it's not supposed to be...

My problem is that all 3 of mine LOVES to roll around in soil:facepalm2: and since we have a fully walled/fenced in garden the doors are always opened. So, yeah I have very dirty bulldogs:ashamed:
Orion is a perfect angel. She's very good at staying out of trouble.

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Oh I feel your pain, if I go in the shower, Charlie will empty the wash basket of socks or pinch the toilet paper, if I have to go out I have had to resort to turning the gas off in the house, I leave him in the kitchen if I go out, as he's not a fan of the cage, and normally he's pretty good, but on 2 occasions I've come home and he's turned the gas hob on, how I don't know, I struggle to turn it on, so every time we go out, the gas has to go off. He's so mischievous, I could be here all day telling stories, but I wouldn't have him any other way
My boys are usually good, but they do have their moments. We usually close all the doors and block certain areas of the house so they're confined to where people normally are.

When they're in their crazy moods, they tend to go after pillows and blankets and play tug of war with them ... which is why all of our blankets have tears in the corners! My bf's secret weapon is desitin ... he says it works both ways ... not only will it stop Stiggy (who's usually the instigator) from being naughty because he hates the smell, but it's also good for their wrinkles. :teehee:

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