My dog is my best friend, but some human friends would be nice too!

Hi April. I'm very familiar with your little doll Diesel from Instagram (we are DaisyMaeHambone_n_Me). I agree friends online with similar interests (& tons more knowledge of the breed) are great. Finding some in person are a little more difficult. Maybe you can try & look for bulldog groups in your area. Good luck and keep the pictures coming.
:welcome: to EBN!!! Diesel is adorable, and we would LOVE more pics… LOL
Hi welcome to the site. Nobody understands bulldog crazy like EBN.
Congrats on the Diesel! I love his face..and his two front paws, one white, one brown, one with white nails, one with black! too cute!
Welcome April and Diesel. I see why you love him so much...he is adorable!!
:welcome3:Hi April, and welcome to you and Diesel, so glad you joined EBN. You'll love it on this site, it's definetely addictive, and fun. Lots of great information and advice, and lots of great people on here to always share their experiences, and give you advice. Looking forward to seeing you on here, and to seeing lots of pictures of your handsome Diesel.

Hello and :welcome3: to EBN!! so happy you found us... there is lots of learning, sharing and fun along the way.
[MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION] --- EARS... :heart: look at this sweet babies EARS :heart: big and floppy and one even has freckles :heart: !! :faint:

april can I have your address... I need to come steal, er I mean, visit Diesel :D :up:
Thanks for making me feel super welcome and I'm super happy to know that I know a lot of you from instagram already!
Who needs human friends when you have a guy like Diesel at home? Hes beautiful! I personally am moving away from 2 legged friends and going for more furry 4 legged ones! Diesel takes a fantastic picture!
Welcome to the site!

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