molly has a lump :(

Seline Weiskopff

New member
Mar 11, 2015
united states
Bulldog(s) Names
I found a lump the size of a pinky tip on molly. Its near her tail on the right side. Should I be concerned ?
Can you give us a little more details or picture is it red ?is it pink? is the hair falling off? could it possibly be a bug bite or mosquito bite?

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There is no redness it doesnt bother her when I touch it.first thing I checked for was a tick ! Hair is fine I didnt notice it when I cleaned her wrinkles last night but im wondering if I missed it ! Im worried :( we have been out alot !
My guess is that it's some kind of bite. I noticed a lump on Winnie last night and I'm pretty sure it's a bite. I'd just watch it for a day or two. Winnie's lump is about gone tonight.
There is no redness it doesnt bother her when I touch it.first thing I checked for was a tick ! Hair is fine I didnt notice it when I cleaned her wrinkles last night but im wondering if I missed it ! Im worried :( we have been out alot !

Anyway to get a picture of it?
Anyway to get a picture of it?

I thought about taking one but you cant see it I can only feel it. She was just seen a week ago today full physical ! I think if by monday its not gone I'll have Dr. Lee look at it she is going to get her border tella shot anyway. Staying positive until then ! Hopefully its just a bug bite. Thank you guys I don't know what I would do with out my EBN friends:)
Hi Seline, I agree with the others that it's probably a bug bite of some sort, either a mosquito or a bee?, but it could also be a soft cyst or pimple. Without seeing it or feeling it, it's hard to say, and can only guess. Since you are seeing the vet anyway next week have him take a look at it, and he will be better able to tell you what it is. Most of the time a small bump or a lump is something like a bug bite or pimple, or something benign. I would keep an eye on it, and try not to worry too much before the vet can look at it. I hope it's nothing serious and Molly is okay. Sending hugs and prayers your way. Please keep us posted.
Sometimes my bullies would get just a pimple… I actually could squeeze the puss out, and I would put ointment on them. Is is the same site as her injections?!! Sometimes they can develop a bump from that…
Hi Seline, I agree with the others that it's probably a bug bite of some sort, either a mosquito or a bee?, but it could also be a soft cyst or pimple. Without seeing it or feeling it, it's hard to say, and can only guess. Since you are seeing the vet anyway next week have him take a look at it, and he will be better able to tell you what it is. Most of the time a small bump or a lump is something like a bug bite or pimple, or something benign. I would keep an eye on it, and try not to worry too much before the vet can look at it. I hope it's nothing serious and Molly is okay. Sending hugs and prayers your way. Please keep us posted.

Thank you so much for your kind words ! She is her normal silly self today and we are enjoying every minute of it !! 20150501_170418.jpg
Barkley had a tiny bump on him around the same area on his hip when he was a puppy and I had always thought it was just a little cowlick or something in his fur because it was so small. Then after almost a year it started getting bigger so I had the vet look at it when we got him neutered and had his palate surgery and he ended up just removing that too. He said it was just some type of cyst that wasn't anything to worry about and luckily it's never come back and he hasn't had anymore!

Good luck at the vets, hopefully it's just a bug bite!!

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