Missed you guys


New member
Sep 9, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Sorry that I've been MIA. My laptop crashed around Thanksgiving and my husband got me a new one after Christmas but its been hard getting back into the swing of things. Jack is doing great, though we've decided he is a Jack Russell Terrier in a bulldog's body. He'll be 8 months in a few weeks. I've really missed seeing everyone's pictures and updates. But I should be good to go now.....fingers crossed!

Here is a picture from today of Jack enjoying the nice weather. He is posing like Angelina Jolie...or is it that Angelina Jolie poses like a bulldog?
7mar2012 024.jpg
Nice to see you back and that is DEFINITELY an Angela pose, too cute :luv:
Well it's about time you showed back up. :tease: Glad to have you back and Jack is getting big and so handsome.
Welcome back ---- you've been missed. Jack-jack sure is striking a pose in that shot -- so handsome
Welcome back! What a great pic of Jack!
You left right as I joined I think...but it's nice to meet you. Jack is a cutie :)
Hello to you and Jack!:) I just recently joined and I'm having a great time here!!
For the record, I'd rather look at Jack's leg than Jolie's......he's adorable!
Haven't met you yet, as I just joined the beginning of this year...so hello... your Jack is a handsome fella...can't wait for more pics....
Don't you ever do that Again!!!! :nonono: We were worried sick!!!! :blah: .......:confused:......O wait! :newhere: ....I'm Coop's mommy! Nice to meet you and your adorable bully! This site has gotten to be a whole lot cooler since I have joined the fun! :yes:
Welcome Back!!! :fart: ........:whut?:

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