"Manly Panties"


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2013
Slidell, Louisiana, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
"The Stallone Bros"
First of all I want to Thank [MENTION=7260]Chumley[/MENTION] for his patience.... He won the auction fair and square, and swiftly sent the "Manly Panties" my way with the help of [MENTION=8859]Marine91[/MENTION]..... I've been going through many life changing events in my life.... and have had the full support of "The Stallone Bros" Rocky and Rambo. Finally tonight as promised, I had Rockford and Rambone at "Petco" for a full grooming, and while there had pictures taken in PUBLIC of the Stallone Brothers, myself and "The Manly Panties" as I promised i would get accomplished.... Thanks a lot Jim for allowing me to fulfill your fantasies, However if you want me to wear them next time, Don't sew the Boxer Legs shut Lmbo.... The Lady at Petco was holding them with the very tips of her fingers, leary that they may have been worn at some point in time, lol.... Of course the boys were in full socialization mode and going after anyone who had a hand who remotely seemed interested in petting them, lol. Plus they got to go for a car ride, which is their second most favorite thing to do on earth, followed by eating, and only superseded by socializing. So as promised, Enjoy the pictures...

Awesome Dave. So what was you little addition to the Bro Briefs? A skid mark for [MENTION=7260]Chumley[/MENTION] ? Lol.

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Great pictures Dave. The boys are looking awesome! I forgot about the bro briefs tell the truth...but you and Tidd have been great sports about it..And just for the record I didn't sew the legs shut, I've never even had them in my possession. Maybe it will be my turn next lol.
Love the pictures of Rocky and Rambo!
Great pictures Dave. The boys are looking awesome! I forgot about the bro briefs tell the truth...but you and Tidd have been great sports about it..And just for the record I didn't sew the legs shut, I've never even had them in my possession. Maybe it will be my turn next lol.
Love the pictures of Rocky and Rambo!

The boys fully enjoyed the car ride to the groomer, the nail trim not so much, hahahaha But they enjoyed the attention, and the opportunity to socialize with all the staff at Petco. The Groomer told me several customers came in and wanted to pet them, and the boys just hammed it up lol. To be honest Jim, they were so much into socializing with the people in the store, I couldn't command either of them to sit or anything, I was holding on for dear life to get the pictures of the "Manly Panties" Truly wanted one on each side and spread the boxers like a banner in the middle, but with my boys, that wasn't happening as long as cute ladies were wanting to pet them hahahahaha. Anyway again I apologize for my tardiness, Thank You for your patience, and appreciate your understanding as so much has been going on....
OMG...here you are, Dave! @Chumley...Jim had just mentioned in
a post today, how much he missed you...I agreed!

Sure hoping things have eased up in your life and you can drop in
more...the boys (and you too, Cutie Pie) are looking so great.

GOD bless y'all <3 <3 <3
Awesome pics and you and the boys look fabulous! Especially with that accessory you have! So did you explain the manly panties to the lady with the photo?

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Manly pants plus Stallone brothers = great combination xx
Hi Dave!! It's great to see you back. The debauchery around here hasn't been the same without you! You and the boys look great. I hope everything is calm for you now and we see more of you.
great pics! what handsome bullies you got there! and this post was hilarious about the petco lady haha
Wow Dave, the bros look great!! They've really grown up.
All three of you look great ---- thanks for the pics and hope life is settleing down for you and the boys!

Happy to see you back
Dave, it's so nice to see you again :w00t: We have SO missed youā€¦ the craziness around here is not the sameā€¦ LOL Eh [MENTION=7260]Chumley[/MENTION] ?!!
You and the boys look fantasticā€¦ I had no idea you were supposed to wear the man purseā€¦ LOL What in the world?!! :p
Wow Dave, the bros look great!! They've really grown up.

Thanks Phil, They have really been maturing well. Rambo is still rambunctious though. Just as I unfastened the boys from their seat belts, Luckily I had leashes in hand, because they bailed out in the parking lot, and started chasing a couple of blondes who were twins, seeking attention. Guessing I need to let the boys pick the next one hahahahaha, They wouldn't stop, heel, sit or do jack until them blondes petted them... Guessing I need to take them shopping more often hahahahaha. Anyway, the boys are doing good, and have gotten grown.... Life is finally settling down a bit. Hows buster doing Phil??
Dave, it's so nice to see you again :w00t: We have SO missed youā€¦ the craziness around here is not the sameā€¦ LOL Eh @Chumley ?!!
You and the boys look fantasticā€¦ I had no idea you were supposed to wear the man purseā€¦ LOL What in the world?!! :p

I had a lot of explaining to do with the lady at Petco, and she still wasn't sure of why I had these funny looking boxers, Lmbo.... As I went to get up from the kneeling position, The petco groomer reached out to help hahahaha, So I handed her the "Manly Panties" she stepped back and decided to hold the boys leashes instead hahahahahahahaha..... Never a dull moment in my life Tracey... How have you been??

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