Help Needed! Maggie doesn't like boys


New member
Jul 23, 2013
Birmingham, AL
Bulldog(s) Names
Queen Margaret May
When my boyfriend and I first got Maggie she was really timid and nervous all the time. I figured she grow used to us and get settled. A few weeks ago my boyfriend went out of town for several weeks and Maggie was a new dog. Happy, obedient, ate regularly. Perfect. Then he came home and it's back to fear. He's never hurt her or done anything to scare her. It makes me so sad that she is so scared around him since he's here all the time. What can I do to get her used to him and happy again?

This is what she does when he's in the room. She won't move. She just cowers.

I'm sorry I'm not any help except to say patience understanding and love

Love has a name and its name is Sheldon!!!<3
Poor baby girl, she must have been mistreated by a male sometimes in her life. Only time will fix this. You can have your boyfriend slowly go to her and give her treats and just show her plenty of love. Have him feed her and just talk to her in a kind voice. If she will go on a walk with him let him take her on short walks. Eventually she will start to trust him and come out of her shell.
Ill see if he will be willing to do that haha
Poor Maggie :cry: only a bad experience with men will get that reaction. I have a friend who rescued a dog and he was so afraid of men with beards. Make sure your boyfriend really wants to work with Maggie and helping her to replace the bad memories with good ones.
Hi, I have no experience with this, but just want to say hi, tell you that you already for good advice From above members, and also to wish you luck. Only time, patience and love will fix her timidness and fear. Like others have said have your boyfriend spend time with her, sit with her, talk to her in a soft voice, feed her, and maybe hand feed her, so she gets used to him, and also give her treats. With time she'll learn to trust and love him. Was Maggie a rescue, or are you her only owner? If she was rescued, do you have any info on her background or any previous owners? Maybe she was abused by a male before, so now she's skittish. Good luck and I hope she learns to trust your boyfriend. Keep us posted on how she's doing.
Ditto the great advise of DavidH - I was gonna say can he actually feed her? Have her see that he is putting the food in the bowl she eats, giving her special treats (peanut butter on spoon), etc? See if that will work. Good Luck!

[MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION]... can you confirm this for me.... but, I am thinking he needs to ignore her and let her come to him. He can feed her, place the food in bowl and put it on the floor for her, but if her fear is this intense, I think she needs to know he is not a danger and go to him.

When I worked at a dog daycare (2007 - 2011), there was a sweet girl (Cane Corso) that was teriffied of men and whenever a male entered the area, she would sit in a corner and lick the floor. We were all told to ignore her and allow her to come to us... within a few days, she warmed up to all the females and then in a few weeks she was fine with all the guys. I still see her as we are now friends with her onwers, she still fears men and childern, but slowly warms up after only a few hours. Me and my other half, well, we are her play mates and when shee sees us... all heck breaks loose -- it take time and lots of patience, but it can work.
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@JAKEISGREAT... can you confirm this for me.... but, I am thinking he needs to ignore her and let her come to him. He can feed her, place the food in bowl and put it on the floor for her, but if her fear is this intense, I think she needs to know he is not a danger and go to him.

When I worked at a dog daycare (2007 - 2011), there was a sweet girl (Cane Corso) that was teriffied of men and whenever a male entered the area, she would sit in a corner and lick the floor. We were all told to ignore her and allow her to come to us... within a few days, she warmed up to all the females and then in a few weeks she was fine with all the guys. I still see her as we are now friends with her onwers, she still fears men and childern, but slowly warms up after only a few hours. Me and my other half, well, we are her play mates and when shee sees us... all heck breaks loose -- it take time and lots of patience, but it can work.

Yes..if possible, he should sit on the floor near her..NOT in her face near..and with his back towards her. She will not fear his back and still smell him. Familiarizing herself with his "being" without him reaching to touch him. He can talk to her in a low voice. He shouldn't reach out to her while she is in a fear state. If he does this for 5-10 minutes every a few days, she will start to relax. The day she moves TOWARDS him..even a tiny a great day. She has fear for a reason. You may never know why..and it's not important. What is important, is building a new foundation of trust. He can't do it may take months..but Dogs forgive. Take the little stps she makes but never force new ones on her..until she shows you she is ready..and she will!
Poor baby girl, she must have been mistreated by a male sometimes in her life. Only time will fix this. You can have your boyfriend slowly go to her and give her treats and just show her plenty of love. Have him feed her and just talk to her in a kind voice. If she will go on a walk with him let him take her on short walks. Eventually she will start to trust him and come out of her shell.
This is exactly what I would recommend too. Maybe try walking with the 2 of them but letting him hold the leash.
I'm curious as well? How are things going?

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