

Bully lovin' movie buff
Community Veteran
Jun 29, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Lola and Lucy
Lola first year one 012.jpgLola first year one 013.jpgLola first year one 014.jpg

These are pictures of Lola talking to me! She is very verbal and tried to tell me how she feels. Sometimes my hubby thinks im nuts because I will talk to her and she will talk back like she understands! Lola first year one 017.jpg

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Nobody will ever convince me that they don't understand what we say. They certainly do! And they often make sure we understand exactly what they want too.

Just yesterday Gracie decided it was nap time with daddy. She actually went and got on our bed and peered over to him from the next room to be sure he saw her. She has never done that before. But she got her way and daddy went and took a nap with her.
oh my gosh I love that ... my first bulldog use to sit there and "talk" getting her point across as well, its so funny when they do that!!! love all the pictures
It sounds so funny when they talk! Lola moves her jaw and get her tongue into it to and she looks like humans do when they talk. She makes soft noises sometimes like she is just sitting down with me telling me about her day then other times she makes loud noise like she is upset about something. Its like she controls her voice to go along with her emotions. I know how crazy it sounds!
Jack is very vocal. Mostly complaining or demanding though. LOL
Thank you everyone! She is very smart sometimes to smart for her own good! We are putting up our Christmas tree right now and she is really enjoying that!
Awww, Lola is very special, you're very lucky LOL!!!!

Herman doesnt talk to me at all, except when he tells me I've done something he doesnt like. He's very quiet otherwise.
She is very special! I feel like a first time mom taking every picture of every little thing she does. I took some pics of her in her Christmas outfit but done want to post them yet!
Nobody will ever convince me that they don't understand what we say. They certainly do! And they often make sure we understand exactly what they want too.

Just yesterday Gracie decided it was nap time with daddy. She actually went and got on our bed and peered over to him from the next room to be sure he saw her. She has never done that before. But she got her way and daddy went and took a nap with her.

And so Brucie says!!!! :ROFL:
any excuse for a nap!!!
very cute lil puppy. I've never had mine talk back to me, but that never stopped me from talking to them lol!

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