Life with foster bulldogs Chance & Destiny ... update 1-1-13


Crazy Bulldog Lady
Community Veteran
Sep 25, 2012
United States
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Tuesday 1-1-13 ... Yesterdays bump in the road is just a memory and today is a fresh new day ... got the fur-kids up to go out for their morning potty (minus Ally who is still in bed in my sons room) and all is well ... Destiny was just like the girl she was before the incident so she is doing good!! I of course was right there just in case but didn't let that negative energy have a chance I thought of positive results and just smiled as everyone did their morning business! Right now Destiny is sitting on the big round bed (her favorite spot) Chance is sitting in front of her fighting sleep LOL Molly is of course sitting in the chair with me (her favorite spot) and Diesel is next to my chair snoring away :) I have a nice big cup of hot coffee so life in our home is great!! Perfect start for the New Year!!!!

Second Fight happened ... Ally just brings out the worst in Destiny! I think I see the problem ... Ally has a very weak submissive energy and shows general fear towards Destiny since the first fight. Soon as Ally came out of my sons room I could see the difference in Destiny! Her dominate energy was sky high, so I left her in her crate while Ally was outside going potty after she ate her breakfast ... I lost my bearings for a moment so thrilled at how the morning started and didn't notice Ally go back into the yard ... I let Destiny out so she could do her after meal potty and BAM she was on Ally in a heartbeat! Again more growls, yipping and head tossing then anything and lucky for everyone, dogs and humans ... again no injuries!

At this time Destiny is in her crate, still in the room with me but doesn't have freedom in the house :( I will continue to work on this, I've got some training books out and I'm trying to figure out the next training steps to take. I will definitely let Pets Without Partners know she really needs to be the only female in the home, as her dominate traits could get her into big trouble and I do not want to see that happen!!! It does puzzle me that she has no problem with Molly .... though Molly is a dominate girl too and maybe Destiny just wants to weed out the weak energy in the pack ... but alas not her job, it's mine to control my pack and she will learn this :) not giving up!!


Crazy Bulldog Lady
Community Veteran
Sep 25, 2012
United States
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elearn;bt911 said:
Good luck!! I know you will figure out the right thing to do!!!

thank you :hugs: for the time being I am just doing a shuffle rotation, not my ideal but until I can get over this speed bump its the safest thing for both of them.

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